Space Atlas: Mapping the Universe and Beyond (2 Ed.) | 誠品線上

國家地理圖解太空: 從內太陽系到外太空, 最完整的宇宙導覽圖 (2019最新增訂版)

作者 詹姆士.特菲爾
商品描述 Space Atlas: Mapping the Universe and Beyond (2 Ed.):仰望星空,你是否對於自身的存在以及宇宙的宏大感到好奇?宇宙是如何開始的?宇宙會如何終結?現在就翻開這本書,


內容簡介 仰望星空,你是否對於自身的存在以及宇宙的宏大感到好奇?宇宙是如何開始的?宇宙會如何終結?現在就翻開這本書,展開一場盛大的太空之旅。書中從居住的太陽系開始探索,從被太陽灼燒的水星,到柯伊伯帶之外冰冷浩瀚的地帶。透過美國NASA與其他國家的太空探測器,讀者將可以追蹤整個太陽系的生命週期、掃描分析地球與其他行星的成分,並一窺恆星從星際塵埃中誕生的瞬間。結束太陽系精彩的旅程之後,再與美國著名的天文學家艾德溫.哈柏漫步於令人心醉神迷的銀河系:你將會發現星系並不是一個平靜詳和的地方,反而是一座巨大的工廠!我們抬頭所望的星空,每一道亮光都是宇宙壓力和重力的生死搏鬥。最後再剖析浩瀚無垠的神祕宇宙,探索太陽系外行星、暗物質與黑洞,與國內外知名科學家、物理學者暢談宇宙的生與死,揭開宇宙的神秘面紗。本書收錄50幅精美的地圖,其中47張更是從未發表過。80幀運用最先進的太空望遠鏡所拍攝的外太空圖像、根據科學數據理論繪製的宇宙星雲圖、278個令人大開眼界的統計數據,超過300頁詳述有關我們的太陽系、銀河系與更多最新信息的太空圖集大全,對於太空迷來說,是本絕對不容錯過的經典珍藏。 For space enthusiasts, science lovers, and star gazers, the newly revised edition of National Geographic's enduring guide to space, with a new introduction by American hero Buzz Aldrin, combines thoroughly updated maps, lavish photographs, and elegant illustrations to chart the solar system, the universe, and beyond. A guided tour of the solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, the universe, and beyond, with detailed maps and fascinating imagery from recent space missions partnered with clear, authoritative scientific information. Starting with the sun and moving outward into space, acclaimed science writer and physicist James Trefil illuminates each planet, the most important moons, significant asteroids, and other objects in our solar system. Moving beyond, he explains what we know about the Milky Way and other galaxies beyond--and how we know it. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of his moonwalk, astronaut and American hero Buzz Aldrin offers a special section on Earth's moon and its essential role in space exploration past and future.


作者介紹 JAMES TREFILJAMES TREFIL, Clarence J. Robinson Professor of Physics at George Mason University, is internationally recognized not only as a distinguished scientist but also as an expert in making complex scientific ideas understandable. He is the author of numerous magazine articles and books on science for the general public, including National Geographic's The Story of Innovation. He lives in Fairfax, Virginia, with his wife.


書名 / Space Atlas: Mapping the Universe and Beyond (2 Ed.)
作者 / 詹姆士.特菲爾
簡介 / Space Atlas: Mapping the Universe and Beyond (2 Ed.):仰望星空,你是否對於自身的存在以及宇宙的宏大感到好奇?宇宙是如何開始的?宇宙會如何終結?現在就翻開這本書,
ISBN13 / 9781426219696
ISBN10 / 1426219695
EAN / 9781426219696
誠品26碼 / 2681666702002
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.4X3X31CM
級別 / N:無
