內容簡介 全球公認希臘羅馬神話最佳入門書,歐美高中指定閱讀,各大學英文系必讀版本。(1) 公認最佳的希臘羅馬神話入門書籍:歐美高中指定閱讀書目,大學英文系必讀教科書,台灣至少有三代學生受此書影響。(2) 最權威、也是最受歡迎的希臘羅馬文明翻譯者漢彌敦之作:漢彌敦畢生鑽研古典希羅文學,更因多本著作譯作的貢獻,成為雅典市榮譽市民。(3) 內容完整、最忠實的神話故事集:不再是斷簡殘篇的潤飾改寫,而是嚴謹地挑選不同詩人筆下的故事,忠實地整合與重述最具代表性的段落,呈現古典神話精神。宙斯的風流、赫拉的善妒、雷神索爾的強大、普羅米修斯為人盜火,乃至潘朵拉的盒子、木馬屠城記、奧德賽的漂流與冒險……這些我們耳熟能詳的人物與情節,都來自充滿愛欲情仇的希臘羅馬神話世界。希臘羅馬神話既是童年的床邊故事,更是西洋文學與思想文化的濫觴,它們的不朽,早已不證自明。美國作家漢彌敦與其編著的《希臘羅馬神話》,是我們今日得以無礙地直面古典神話的重要功臣之一。漢彌敦以畢生浸淫古典文學史料的專業,從眾多希臘羅馬詩人的作品中挑選最具代表性的素材,再以清晰的散文筆法重述,呈現最接近原作、忠實表達神話精神的故事版本。這本故事集不僅讓古典的神話得以歷久彌新,它本身也儼然是另一部經典。漢彌敦將散落在各史詩作品中的神祇、英雄與其他人物,整理出最具代表性的六百餘人,分門別類地以神祇篇、英雄篇、家族傳奇等主題來敘述,方便讀者最快掌握神話世界的全貌。下筆嚴謹的漢彌敦,於各章開頭都交代引文出處,並簡略介紹原典的書寫特色。讀者可一窺荷馬史詩《伊里亞德》、《奧德賽》,奧維德的《變形記》,維吉爾的《伊尼亞德》,希臘悲劇《阿格門儂》、《奧瑞斯提亞》、《伊底帕斯王》、《美蒂亞》等知名作品的堂奧。《希臘羅馬神話》兼顧了閱讀趣味與文學研究兩方面的需求,自一九四二年出版以來,被一般讀者與研究者公認為神話故事的最佳入門書。儘管出書時的漢彌敦已七十五歲,但她對推廣介紹希臘羅馬文化的熱情終生不滅。一九五七年,九十歲高齡的她獲頒雅典市榮譽市民,肯定她在希臘神話及古典文學方面的貢獻。In celebration of of the 75th anniversary of this classic bestseller, this stunningly illustrated, beautifully packaged, larger-format hardcover edition will be beloved by fans of Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology of all ages.Since its original publication by Little, Brown and Company in 1942, Edith Hamilton's Mythology has sold millions of copies throughout the word and established itself as a perennial bestseller in its various available formats: hardcover, trade paperback, mass market paperback, and e-book. For 75 years readers have chosen this book above all others to discover the thrilling, enchanting, and fascinating world of Western mythology-from Odysseus's adventure-filled journey to the Norse god Odin's effort to postpone the final day of doom. This exciting new deluxe, large-format hardcover edition, published in celebration of the book's 75th anniversary, will be beautifully packages and fully-illustrated throughout with all-new, specially commissioned four-color art, making it a true collector's item.
作者介紹 Edith HamiltonEdith Hamilton (1868-1963) was born of American parents in Dresden, Germany, and grew up in Indiana. Through the first quarter of the twentieth century she was the headmistress of the Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore. Upon retiring, she began to write about the civilizations of the ancient world and soon gained world renown as a classicist. Her celebrated and bestselling books include Mythology, The Greek Way, The Roman Way, and The Echo of Greece. She regarded as the high point of her life a 1957 ceremony in which King Paul of Greece named her an honorary citizen of Athens.Jim TiernyJim Tierny studied illustration at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia.