作者 | 瑪莉.佛萊奧 |
商品描述 | Everything Is Figureoutable:Let’sbehonest--noneofusweregivenanowner’smanualatbirth.Ifyou’rehavingtroublesolvingaproblemormakingadreamhappen,theproblemisn’t |
作者 | 瑪莉.佛萊奧 |
商品描述 | Everything Is Figureoutable:Let’sbehonest--noneofusweregivenanowner’smanualatbirth.Ifyou’rehavingtroublesolvingaproblemormakingadreamhappen,theproblemisn’t |
內容簡介 一種心態,一種信念,一種持續樂觀的人生哲學「這本作品將永遠改變你的一生。」─《享受吧!一個人的旅行》作者伊莉莎白·吉兒伯特「獻給所有想誠實面對恐懼,實現夢想及找回往前之路的人們。」─雪兒‧史翠德獲獎無數的網路節目《MarieTV》和播客節目《The Marie Forleo》主持人Marie Forleo帶來全新的人生哲學觀,幫助自我為人生達成無限創造力。仿間多數的心靈成長書籍都是提供如何自我修復的方式,但本書則是讓你的大腦在面對挫折時,發揮更多創造力和積極思考的能力。如果你在解決困境和實現夢想時遇到困難,真正有問題的人絕對不是你,那是因為你尚未建立一種可以改變一切的信念。 Marie的母親曾和她說:「人生其實沒有這麼複雜,只要你下定決心且躍躍欲試,凡事皆有出路。」凡事皆有出路不僅只是一句有趣的俗語,而是一種永不停歇的樂觀,一種心態,一種口號和一種值得遵行的信念。從這本作品你將學習:l 讓實現目標的可能性提高42%的簡單練習l 如何克服總是缺乏時間與金錢的困難l 如何面對批評和冒名頂替症候群"
各界推薦 "Millions of young women look to Marie Forleo as their inspiration for empowerment and achievement." --Oprah Winfrey "This book delivers a knock-out punch to whatever is holding you back." --Cheryl Strayed, author of Wild "Everything is Figureoutable is a whirlwind of power, humor, pragmatism and grace. Marie Forleo writes exactly the way she lives--with full-on enthusiasm, no-bullshit directness, and a ferocious commitment to self-accountability. Reading these pages, I experienced the same delightful tingling sensation that I always find in Marie’s presence--the sensation of limitless possibility. This woman is the real deal, people. This book will change lives." --Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love and Big Magic "What does it take to make a reader feel loved, inspired, and called out on their BS all at the same time? I don’t know, but Marie Forleo has figured it out! Smart, funny, and as brilliant as it is straightforward. LOVED it!" --Brené Brown, Ph.D., author of Dare to Lead
作者介紹 Marie ForleoA born-and-raised Jersey girl with nothing more than passion, a laptop and a dream, Marie Forleo has created a socially conscious digital empire that inspires millions across the globe. Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation, she's the star of the award-winning show MarieTV, with over 47 million views, and host of The Marie Forleo Podcast, with more than eight million downloads. Marie has taught entrepreneurs, artists, and multipassionate go-getters from all walks of life how to dream big and back it up with daily action to create results. She runs the acclaimed business training program, B-School. Learn more at www.MarieForleo.com
書名 / | Everything Is Figureoutable |
作者 / | 瑪莉.佛萊奧 |
簡介 / | Everything Is Figureoutable:Let’sbehonest--noneofusweregivenanowner’smanualatbirth.Ifyou’rehavingtroublesolvingaproblemormakingadreamhappen,theproblemisn’t |
ISBN13 / | 9780593086308 |
ISBN10 / | 0593086309 |
EAN / | 9780593086308 |
誠品26碼 / | 2681790458004 |
頁數 / | 304 |
注音版 / | 否 |
裝訂 / | P:平裝 |
語言 / | 3:英文 |
尺寸 / | 22.8X15.2X2CM |
級別 / | N:無 |