The Infinite Game | 誠品線上

The Infinite Game

作者 Simon Sinek
商品描述 The Infinite Game:Somanyorganizationsandindividualsareobsessedwithwinning.Buthowdoyouwinagamethatneverreallyends?Thereisnosuchthing,forexample,as“winning”bus


內容簡介 《先問,為什麼?》暢銷作家賽門‧西奈克最新顛覆力作黃金圈引導你找到最初的為什麼無限思維為你重新定義工作與人生的方向與策略贏了對手讓人士氣大振,但是為什麼興奮兩天就消散?終於站上市場第一,但是新競爭者不斷出現,什麼時候才是真正的勝利?在競爭中,我們怕輸、怕落後,拼命的像滾輪上不停奔跑的老鼠,疲憊不堪。這是我們唯一的選擇嗎?市場沒有一定規則,思維框架決定了你的策略選擇。不被當下成敗綁架,才能主動應變,每天都充滿動力!我們被自己的思維框架困住了!習慣用贏家輸家、成功失敗的角度來看事情,是讓我們不斷感到挫折、無法持續努力的最大盲點!商業環境不是球賽棋局,改變規則沒有預告、參賽者沒有名額限制,也沒有一定的終場時間。人生也是如此。面對無限賽局,我們需要另一套思維框架。作者西奈克是從五角大廈到好萊塢都爭相邀請、全球企業與百萬讀者跟隨的思想家,擅長以簡單模型解決複雜問題。2009年,他的黃金圈理論掀起瘋潮,幫助無數人找到為什麼;2016年,他觀察千禧世代在職場的影片,不到一個月就飆破1.5億觀看;現在,西奈克首度將有限與無限賽局的概念運用在個人與團隊,顛覆傳統的競爭思維,解釋了我們為何失去熱情、成長停滯、做出不利決策、設定錯誤目標,原來是因為沒有看懂自己身處什麼樣的賽局。無限賽局,不講輸贏,只有領先與落後,存活與淘汰,終極目標不再是打敗別人,而是如何不斷讓自己更好。無限思維必備五項條件:★崇高的信念:我們都想為值得的事物努力。你有沒有一個夠大、夠高、夠遠的目標,能讓大家願意貢獻力量、犧牲小我?★信任的團隊:不能表現出脆弱,我們就會開始隱藏、說謊、假裝。你有沒有打從心底信任的夥伴,可以放心舉手認錯、敢開口求助?★可敬的對手:別人的強項是自己的弱點,最令人不安,但進步也最快。不用喜歡對方,但要把握機會升級自己。誰是你心目中的可敬對手?★攸關存亡的應變:有時,率先顛覆自己,才能找出活路。你有沒有在關鍵時刻推翻自己、轉換跑道的決策力?★領導的勇氣:改變現狀、做正確選擇,往往伴隨巨大的壓力與痛苦。但勇氣和恐懼一樣會傳染,你願不願意堅持下去?如果比賽沒有終點,該如何取勝?勝利,可以被重新定義!本中文書介出自《無限賽局: 翻轉思維框架, 突破勝負盲點, 贏得你想要的未來》天下雜誌股份有限公司出版From the New York Times bestselling author of Start With Why and Leaders Eat Last, a bold framework for leadership in today’s ever-changing world.How do we win a game that has no end? Finite games, like football or chess, have known players, fixed rules and a clear endpoint. The winners and losers are easily identified. Infinite games, games with no finish line, like business or politics, or life itself, have players who come and go. The rules of an infinite game are changeable while infinite games have no defined endpoint. There are no winners or losers—only ahead and behind.The question is, how do we play to succeed in the game we’re in?In this revelatory new book, Simon Sinek offers a framework for leading with an infinite mindset. On one hand, none of us can resist the fleeting thrills of a promotion earned or a tournament won, yet these rewards fade quickly. In pursuit of a Just Cause, we will commit to a vision of a future world so appealing that we will build it week after week, month after month, year after year. Although we do not know the exact form this world will take, working toward it gives our work and our life meaning.Leaders who embrace an infinite mindset build stronger, more innovative, more inspiring organizations. Ultimately, they are the ones who lead us into the future."


作者介紹 Simon Sinek is an optimist and the bestselling author of Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, Together Is Better, and Find Your Why. He is working to build a world in which the vast majority of us will wake up inspired, feel safe at work, and return home fulfilled at the end of the day. Learn more about his work at


書名 / The Infinite Game
作者 / Simon Sinek
簡介 / The Infinite Game:Somanyorganizationsandindividualsareobsessedwithwinning.Buthowdoyouwinagamethatneverreallyends?Thereisnosuchthing,forexample,as“winning”bus
ISBN13 / 9780735213500
ISBN10 / 073521350X
EAN / 9780735213500
誠品26碼 / 2681599754000
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 13.9X23.4CM
級別 / N:無
