Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Is Changing the World | 誠品線上

Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Is Changing the World

作者 Don Tapscott/ Alex Tapscott
商品描述 Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Is Changing the World:◎Amazon.com商業理財分類Top1◎全球「50大商業思想家」


內容簡介 ◎Amazon.com商業理財分類 Top1◎全球「50大商業思想家」、數位經濟之父 最新力作◎《富比士》、《時代》、《華爾街日報》、金融界、科技界、創投界一致口碑推薦未來十年全球最值得關注的科技趨勢改變世界與經濟舊有秩序的新力量--區塊鏈如果……●你是躍躍欲試的創業家,想要找到新平台大展身手。●你熱愛音樂,希望創作者不被層層剝削,確實靠自己的作品謀生。●你關心食安,想知道超市商品的真正來源。●你有定期投資的習慣,但微薄的投資利潤,總是被交易手續費吃掉。●你是Airbnb的房客,除了租金,還得多付6%~12%的服務費。有沒有一項技術,可以解決像這樣機會不均、過程不透明、中介機構過多的類似問題,帶給人們更便利的生活,實現更公平的財富分配與社會正義?全球50大管理思想家唐.泰普史考特說:「有,那就是區塊鏈。」第一代數位革命帶給我們資訊豐富的網際網路,以區塊鏈技術為基礎的第二代數位革命,則帶給我們充滿價值的網際網路。區塊鏈是一種精簡的革命性協定,兼顧了匿名與資訊安全。這項科技不但催生含比特幣在內的多種數位貨幣,發展潛力更是不容小覷,幾乎可以完整記載人類所有的價值活動,例如從出生到死亡的保險理賠,甚至每一次的投票行為。全球最重要的金融業者,包括高盛、摩根大通、瑞士信貸等,都成立專責機構,研究如何運用區塊鏈來加快交易流程,並提高交易的安全性。這項技術公開、加密性強、可讓所有人運用的科技,將會扭轉全世界商業行為,甚至是一切人類行為。數位經濟之父唐.泰普史考特長年精準引介下一波大趨勢,這次他與身為區塊鏈專家的兒子亞力士聯手,為我們帶來這本分析深刻卻好讀的作品,這將是關心未來趨勢的普羅大眾及商界領袖不可或缺的基礎讀本。本書中文書介出自《區塊鏈革命: 比特幣技術如何影響貨幣、商業和世界運作》遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司出版。The first, foundational book on blockchain technology, from the bestselling author of Wikinomics Don Tapscott and blockchain expert Alex Tapscott, now in paperback with a new preface and chapter explaining recent developments in the world of blockchain, including cryptoassets, ICOs, smart contracts, and more. “This book has had an enormous impact on the evolution of blockchain in the world.”—Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft CorporationIn this revelatory book, Don and Alex Tapscott bring us a brilliantly researched, highly readable, and essential book about the technology driving the future of the economy. Blockchain is the ingeniously simple, revolution­ary protocol that allows transactions to be simultaneously anonymous and secure by maintaining a tamperproof public ledger of value. Though it’s best known as the technology that drives bitcoin and other digital cur­rencies, it also has the potential to go far beyond currency, to record virtually everything of value to humankind, from birth and death certifi­cates to insurance claims, land titles, and even votes. As with major paradigm shifts that preceded it, blockchain technology will create winners and losers. This book shines a light on where it can lead us in the next decade and beyond.


作者介紹 DON TAPSCOTT is the CEO of the Tapscott Group and one of the most influential living theorists about business and society. In November 2013, Thinkers50 named Don as the 4th most important business thinker in the world. A June 2013 analysis of social media identified Don as the most influential management thinker in the world. He is the author or co-author of 15 widely read books about new technologies and new media in business and society, including Wikinomics and The Digital Economy. ALEX TAPSCOTT is the CEO and founder of Northwest Passage Ventures, an advisory firm building blockchain companies. In 2014 he wrote the seminal report on governing digital curren­cies for the Global Solutions Network program at the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. Prior to founding Northwest Passage Ventures, he worked for seven years in investment banking in New York and Toronto.


書名 / Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Is Changing the World
作者 / Don Tapscott Alex Tapscott
簡介 / Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Is Changing the World:◎Amazon.com商業理財分類Top1◎全球「50大商業思想家」
ISBN13 / 9781101980149
ISBN10 / 1101980141
EAN / 9781101980149
誠品26碼 / 2681596376007
頁數 / 432
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.3X13.7CM
級別 / N:無