Outside Insight: How to Use Data to Understand the Future and Transform Your Business | 誠品線上

Outside Insight: How to Use Data to Understand the Future and Transform Your Business

作者 Jorn Lyseggen
商品描述 Outside Insight: How to Use Data to Understand the Future and Transform Your Business:全球媒體及社群輿情監測公司Meltwater執行長帶您洞察外部世界在數位時代,企業


內容簡介 全球媒體及社群輿情監測公司Meltwater執行長帶您洞察外部世界在數位時代,企業經營單靠內部資訊已經行不通,當企業表現必須益加仰賴外部因素時,若沒有辦法踏出自己的產業、從外界獲取數據,將有如在黑暗中行進。但現代世界幾乎被無止盡的數據淹沒,該如何從中揀選出有用的資訊,讓企業能更加精準地掌握市場動態?跳脫自己所在的行業,從外部獲取數據Meltwater使用關鍵字搜尋、監控與分析全球媒體與社群網站內容,從臉書、推特、微博、微信、PTT討論區到部落格的網友言論,幫助企業即時獲取消費者意見,隨時精準掌握市場動態。執行長Jorn Lyseggen以根據數據作出重大決定與轉變的企業為例,如蘋果、臉書、Nike、萊雅、Canon、Volvo等等,甚至是美國前總統歐巴馬2012年的競選活動,認為從網路、社群媒體、電視與廣播搜尋到的消費者情報與足跡,能提供企業最強大的策略性工具!這是全球知名企業皆廣泛採用的「外部洞悉」,如亞馬遜使用一億五千多萬個消費者帳號改善推薦內容與客戶服務、谷歌使用數據研發新產品,也進行更加有效的宣傳、Netflix根據使用者數據訂定並製作內容、臉書將十五億用戶作為免費勞動力,一個月獲得近三百億筆數據內容……Meltwater執行長認為外部洞悉也可引申至企業管理、未來商機與問題解決,鼓勵未來的企業家以全新方式看待企業。從數據海中擷取的資訊,將會對所有企業帶來驚人衝擊與轉變。外部洞悉可運用於企業發展的任何階段、任何產業與領域。改變企業經營方式,從消極的分析企業內部蒐集的資訊,到分析橫跨整個產業的外部數據,為企業所面臨的機會、威脅與未來展望,提供更全面性的完整樣貌。本書提供根據外部數據改變企業決策,並產出實質結果的外部洞悉的方式,帶您領略數據背後的真正力量!Is your business looking out?Internal data won't cut it. In a world where a company's future performance is increasingly explained by external rather than internal factors, without the tools to look beyond your industry and act on data from outside you're just trying to grow in the dark.Drawing on examples of transformative data-led decisions made by Nike, L'Oreal, Manchester United, Barack Obama and many more - like choosing simple product repackaging over expensive ad campaigns, or football clubs using customized intelligence to gauge a foreign player's popularity - Outside Insight offers a persuasive account of the most powerful strategic tool available to today's forward-looking organizations. Delivering real-time intelligence through monitoring all mentions online, in the press and even on TV and radio, Meltwater's software is unique in the world - and now this book, packed with useful tips, opens up a 3-D understanding of the marketplace which is applicable to any industry in any role.


書名 / Outside Insight: How to Use Data to Understand the Future and Transform Your Business
作者 / Jorn Lyseggen
簡介 / Outside Insight: How to Use Data to Understand the Future and Transform Your Business:全球媒體及社群輿情監測公司Meltwater執行長帶您洞察外部世界在數位時代,企業
ISBN13 / 9780241288269
ISBN10 / 0241288266
EAN / 9780241288269
誠品26碼 / 2681400675005
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9CM
級別 / N:無
