The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of Everything | 誠品線上

The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of Everything

作者 Paul Vigna/ Michael J. Casey
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of Everything:"Viewsdifferonbitcoin,butfewdoubtthetransformativepotentialofBlockchaintechnology.TheTruthMachin


內容簡介 深入理解區塊鏈及未來走向,掌握數位時代的革新與金融動態暢銷書《虛擬貨幣革命》作者精準預測下一個網路大事件的誕生:區塊鏈科技「對於比特幣人人有不同的見解,但卻鮮少有人質疑區塊鏈科技的改革與創新。本書是介紹區塊鏈最完整及精闢的作品,若你是在乎未來經濟走向的讀者絕對不容錯過。」─前美國財政部長勞倫斯‧薩默斯大型銀行的版圖逐漸擴張,金融地位也更加穩固,客戶隱私權在駭客攻擊下卻顯得岌岌可危,信用卡詐騙更是家常便飯,過時的資訊系統雖然使我們的生活更便利,卻再也無法達成更有效益的任務。然而一種新興的科技徹底超越,大幅度的改革金融現況與危機─區塊鏈就此誕生。《虛擬貨幣革命》雙作者將揭開區塊鏈的神秘面紗,說明區塊鏈為何讓我們重新掌握數據和資產,讓全球數十億的人口得以進入全球經濟。區塊鏈賦予人們更透明的資訊,轉移過往掌握經濟大權者的權力,為人們重新對經濟制度重拾信任。所有人都應該認識區塊鏈,一個讓全球人向前一大步的全新科技。"Views differ on bitcoin, but few doubt the transformative potential of Blockchain technology. The Truth Machine is the best book so far on what has happened and what may come along. It demands the attention of anyone concerned with our economic future." ―Lawrence H. Summers, Charles W. Eliot University Professor and President Emeritus at Harvard, Former Treasury SecretaryFrom Michael J. Casey and Paul Vigna, the authors of The Age of Cryptocurrency, comes the definitive work on the Internet’s Next Big Thing: The Blockchain.Big banks have grown bigger and more entrenched. Privacy exists only until the next hack. Credit card fraud is a fact of life. Many of the “legacy systems” once designed to make our lives easier and our economy more efficient are no longer up to the task. Yet there is a way past all this―a new kind of operating system with the potential to revolutionize vast swaths of our economy: the blockchain.In The Truth Machine, Michael J. Casey and Paul Vigna demystify the blockchain and explain why it can restore personal control over our data, assets, and identities; grant billions of excluded people access to the global economy; and shift the balance of power to revive society’s faith in itself. They reveal the disruption it promises for industries including finance, tech, legal, and shipping.Casey and Vigna expose the challenge of replacing trusted (and not-so-trusted) institutions on which we’ve relied for centuries with a radical model that bypasses them. The Truth Machine reveals the empowerment possible when self-interested middlemen give way to the transparency of the blockchain, while highlighting the job losses, assertion of special interests, and threat to social cohesion that will accompany this shift. With the same balanced perspective they brought to The Age of Cryptocurrency, Casey and Vigna show why we all must care about the path that blockchain technology takes―moving humanity forward, not backward.


作者介紹 MICHAEL J. CASEY is a senior advisor at MIT Media Lab�s Digital Currency Initiative and chairman of CoinDesk's advisory board. He is a former Wall Street Journal columnist and has authored four other books. PAUL VIGNA is a reporter at The Wall Street Journal. The Truth Machine is his third book.


書名 / The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of Everything
作者 / Paul Vigna Michael J. Casey
簡介 / The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of Everything:"Viewsdifferonbitcoin,butfewdoubtthetransformativepotentialofBlockchaintechnology.TheTruthMachin
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781250304179
ISBN10 / 1250304172
EAN / 9781250304179
誠品26碼 / 2681726287005
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 14.5X20.8X2.3CM
級別 / N:無
