內容簡介 「有許多數據及研究結果作支持,潔絲特說明德國教養法可以培養出很有生產力的父母和小孩」─出版家周刊「一本關於德國教養法充滿娛樂性、知識性、啟發性的書,將會讓許多美國人思考自己是怎麼養大小孩的」─柯克斯評論作者莎拉‧潔絲特是來自美國的記者,和丈夫和小孩一起搬到柏林,一住就住了六年半,還在柏林生了第二個小孩,許多文化上的不同,讓他們一家常碰上意想不到但卻很有趣的體驗,從這些生活經驗和其他德國父母相處的過程中,潔絲特發現了德國教養的秘密。德國父母給予小孩很大範圍的自由,但不像美國父母一樣總是為了小孩的安全緊張兮兮,德國小孩可以自己走路上學,可以用很銳利的刀子自己切食物,可以接近火,可以自己去搭車,這些行為在美國不太可能發生,但就是給予小孩自由培養每個人更獨立自主的個性,為了教養法傷透腦筋的父母可以開始試試看這種德國教養法。An Entertaining, Enlightening Look at the Art of Raising Self-Reliant, Independent Children Based on One American Mom's Experiences in GermanyWhen Sara Zaske moved from Oregon to Berlin with her husband and toddler, she knew the transition would be challenging, especially when she became pregnant withher second child. She was surprised to discover that German parents give theirchildren a great deal of freedom--much more than Americans. In Berlin, kids walk to school by themselves, ride the subway alone, cut food with sharp knives, and even play with fire. German parents did not share her fears, and their children were thriving. Was she doing the opposite of what she intended, which was toraise capable children? Why was parenting culture so different in the States?Through her own family's often funny experiences as well asinterviews with other parents, teachers, and experts, Zaske shares the many unexpected parenting lessons she learned from living in Germany. Achtung Baby reveals that today's Germans know something that American parents don't (or have perhaps forgotten) about raising kids with "selbstandigkeit" (self-reliance), and provides practical examples American parents can use to give their own children the freedom they need to grow into responsible, independent adults.