Just Kids (Illustrated Ed.) | 誠品線上


作者 佩蒂.史密斯
商品描述 Just Kids (Illustrated Ed.):「我們會怎麼樣呢?」佩蒂問。「我們會永遠在一起。」羅柏答。這是關於一個男孩和一個女孩,在紐約從相遇到相愛,從日日掙扎、絕不放棄到各


作者介紹 Patti SmithPatti Smith is a writer, performer, and visual artist. She gained recognition in the 1970s for her revolutionary mergence of poetry and rock. Her seminal album Horses, bearing Robert Mapplethorpe's renowned photograph, has been hailed as one of the top 100 albums of all time. She has recorded twelve albums.Smith had her first exhibit of drawings at the Gotham Book Mart in 1973 and has been represented by the Robert Miller Gallery since 1978. Her books include M Train, Witt, Babel, Woolgathering, The Coral Sea, and Auguries of Innocence.In 2005, the French Ministry of Culture awarded Smith the prestigious title of Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres, the highest honor awarded to an artist by the French Republic. She was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2007.Smith married the late Fred Sonic Smith in Detroit in 1980. They had a son, Jackson, and a daughter, Jesse. Smith resides in New York City.


書名 / Just Kids (Illustrated Ed.)
作者 / 佩蒂.史密斯
簡介 / Just Kids (Illustrated Ed.):「我們會怎麼樣呢?」佩蒂問。「我們會永遠在一起。」羅柏答。這是關於一個男孩和一個女孩,在紐約從相遇到相愛,從日日掙扎、絕不放棄到各
ISBN13 / 9780062873743
ISBN10 / 0062873741
EAN / 9780062873743
誠品26碼 / 2681649912008
頁數 / 384
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
