Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn | 誠品線上

Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn

作者 Daniel Gordis
商品描述 Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn:2016年猶太圖書獎得主。美國猶太新聞網《前鋒報》(TheForward)盛讚本書作者DanielGordis是當今最令人尊敬的以色列分析師之


內容簡介 2016年猶太圖書獎得主。美國猶太新聞網《前鋒報》(The Forward)盛讚本書作者Daniel Gordis是當今最令人尊敬的以色列分析師之一。想認識、理解以色列的文化、經濟、政治與歷史,本書是目前最全面且簡明的版本。以色列是個蕞爾小國,土地面積比台灣還小,卻能夠引起世界的關注,同時也是許多國家交相指責的對象。是什麼原因使它成為全球注目的對象?為什麼它寧願做出與鄰國為敵的決定?它未來的走向又是如何?要回答以上問題,我們必須理解以色列的人民,還有激化他們對話與行動背後的問題與衝突、希冀與渴望。以色列的歷史充滿各種衝突,但是衝突並不能完整傳達出以色列的民族精神,衝突往往讓人忽略這個國家的建國夢想,還有猶太人的願景。本書作者Gordis耙梳以色列歷史上的重大事件,告訴讀者猶太人民的故事,以及創建國家的過程。觀點清晰又博學多聞,Gordis描繪出以色列如何成為文化、經濟與軍事的強國,以及它在何處犯下大錯,並且解釋它遭到長久孤立的歷史背景。我們不僅要理解回教國家,也要從以色列的角度觀察,才能對中東問題有全盤的理解。Winner of the Jewish Book of the Year AwardThe first comprehensive yet accessible history of the state of Israel from its inception to present day, from Daniel Gordis, "one of the most respected Israel analysts" (The Forward) living and writing in Jerusalem.Israel is a tiny state, and yet it has captured the world’s attention, aroused its imagination, and lately, been the object of its opprobrium. Why does such a small country speak to so many global concerns? More pressingly: Why does Israel make the decisions it does? And what lies in its future?We cannot answer these questions until we understand Israel’s people and the questions and conflicts, the hopes and desires, that have animated their conversations and actions. Though Israel’s history is rife with conflict, these conflicts do not fully communicate the spirit of Israel and its people: they give short shrift to the dream that gave birth to the state, and to the vision for the Jewish people that was at its core. Guiding us through the milestones of Israeli history, Gordis relays the drama of the Jewish people’s story and the creation of the state. Clear-eyed and erudite, he illustrates how Israel became a cultural, economic and military powerhouse—but also explains where Israel made grave mistakes and traces the long history of Israel’s deepening isolation.With Israel, public intellectual Daniel Gordis offers us a brief but thorough account of the cultural, economic, and political history of this complex nation, from its beginnings to the present. Accessible, levelheaded, and rigorous, Israel sheds light on the Israel’s past so we can understand its future. The result is a vivid portrait of a people, and a nation, reborn.


書名 / Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn
作者 / Daniel Gordis
簡介 / Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn:2016年猶太圖書獎得主。美國猶太新聞網《前鋒報》(TheForward)盛讚本書作者DanielGordis是當今最令人尊敬的以色列分析師之
ISBN13 / 9780062368751
ISBN10 / 0062368753
EAN / 9780062368751
誠品26碼 / 2681475001006
頁數 / 560
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3X13.5CM
級別 / N:無
