內容簡介 資深電影評論家Ann Hornaday以精闢、活潑的導引,分享如何評論及欣賞電影跳脫影迷的思維,學習像專業影評的角度欣賞電影無論是一場電影約會之夜,或是與好友談論奧斯卡提名,我們都需要在日常生活中談論或欣賞電影。但不論是希區考克的驚悚電影,或是諾拉‧艾芙隆的浪漫喜劇,觀影者到底該如何在日常中評斷什麼是真正的好電影?擁有30年影評人經驗的Ann Hornaday帶領讀者一窺電影從無到有的製作過程,從腳本和選角,再到最後的音效剪輯,解析如何欣賞形成一部電影的不同元素。我們該如何知道一部電影劇本的好壞,而不是只被幾句巧妙風趣的對白所吸引?什麼才是構成優秀的演出要素?如何欣賞攝影風格、攝影技巧、剪接和音效設計?而導演的功用又是什麼?內容收錄許多拍攝時的軼事、演員及電影製作人的獨家專訪內容,幫助觀影人以全新的角度欣賞電影,不僅是做為粉絲,而是成為自己的專業影評人。 A veteran film critic offers a lively, opinionated guide to thinking and talking about movies--from Casablanca to CluelessWhether we are trying to impress a date after an art house film screening or discussing Oscar nominations among friends, we all need ways to look at and talk about movies. But with so much variety between an Alfred Hitchcock thriller and a Nora Ephron romantic comedy, how can everyday viewers determine what makes a good movie?In Talking Pictures, veteran film critic Ann Hornaday walks us through the production of a typical movie--from script and casting to final sound edit--and explains how to evaluate each piece of the process. How do we know if a film has been well-written, above and beyond snappy dialogue? What constitutes a great screen performance? What goes into praiseworthy cinematography, editing, and sound design? And what does a director really do? In a new epilogue, Hornaday addresses important questions of representation in film and the industry and how this can, and should, effect a movie-watching experience. Full of engaging anecdotes and interviews with actors and filmmakers, Talking Pictures will help us see movies in a whole new light--not just as fans, but as film critics in our own right.