My Lovely Wife | 誠品線上


作者 珊曼莎.唐寧
商品描述 My Lovely Wife:結婚了13年,這一對夫妻的生活突然變得天翻地覆的有趣……我們的愛情故事很平凡,我遇見了這個漂亮的女人,我們墜入愛河、結婚、有了小孩,搬到了郊區想要


內容簡介 結婚了13年,這一對夫妻的生活突然變得天翻地覆的有趣……我們的愛情故事很平凡,我遇見了這個漂亮的女人,我們墜入愛河、結婚、有了小孩,搬到了郊區想要過安靜的生活,在這裡我們告訴彼此最想要完成的夢想,也分享了心中最黑暗的秘密。然後,生活開始變得無趣。於是,我們開始想辦法重回之前的快樂。我們看起來就像是一般人、一般夫妻,就像是你的鄰居、你孩子的朋友的父母親、甚至是那些一直想要一起共進晚餐的陌生人。每對夫妻都有維持婚姻的秘密。只不過,我們的方式就是殺了人但沒有被發現。廣受好評的驚悚小說出道作,無疑是讓人想要一頁接著一頁讀下去的精采故事,故事雖然黑暗,卻又讓人無法拒絕,出版當月被選為亞馬遜選為當月選書,同時獲得媒體、作家一致盛讚!"The twist at the end of the first chapter made me read through the night" Jane CorryIntroducing the next generation of domestic thriller...Every marriage has secrets. Everyone has flaws. Your wife isn't perfect - you know that - but then again nor are you.But now a serial killer is on the loose in your small town, preying on young women. Fear is driving your well-behaved young daughter off the rails, and you find yourself in bed late at night, looking at the woman who lies asleep beside you.Because you thought you knew the worst about her. The truth is you know nothing at all.This is a thriller like nothing you've read before...PRAISE FOR MY LOVELY WIFE"The twist at the end of the first chapter made me read through the night. Clever. Manipulative. Dark. Disturbing. What more can you ask for?"-Jane Corry, bestselling author of My Husband's Wife"An assured and deliciously engrossing debut. You'll surely devour My Lovely Wife, but it will linger long after you've reached the last page." Sarah Pinborough, Sunday Times bestselling author of Behind Her Eyes"You'll never look at your neighbors the same. I couldn't pull myself away from this story...Make sure you clear your schedule before you pick it up. Absolutely unputdownable." Liv Constantine, bestselling author of The Last Mrs. Parrish"My Lovely Wife is a knockout. It's not just a novel about serial killers. It's family drama, about a marriage, about kids out of control, about infidelity, and about the news media; and it's also about the folks next door. It's an effortless page-turner." Publishers Weekly


作者介紹 Samantha Downing Samantha Downing was born in the Bay Area, and currently lives in New Orleans, where she is furiously typing away on her next psychological thriller. My Lovely Wife is her first novel.


書名 / My Lovely Wife
作者 / 珊曼莎.唐寧
簡介 / My Lovely Wife:結婚了13年,這一對夫妻的生活突然變得天翻地覆的有趣……我們的愛情故事很平凡,我遇見了這個漂亮的女人,我們墜入愛河、結婚、有了小孩,搬到了郊區想要
ISBN13 / 9781984804631
ISBN10 / 1984804634
EAN / 9781984804631
誠品26碼 / 2681694213006
頁數 / 384
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X2.5CM
級別 / N:無
