Renzo Piano: The Art of Making Buildings | 誠品線上

Renzo Piano: The Art of Making Buildings

作者 John Tusa/Kate Goodwin/Roberto Benigni/Lorenzo Ciccarelli/Luis Fernández-Galiano/Alistair Guthrie
商品描述 Renzo Piano: The Art of Making Buildings:建造世界知名建築的天才─義大利建築大師倫佐‧皮亞諾建築作品全集跳脫傳統建築模式,展現稀有而溫暖的人文精神世界知名建築師


內容簡介 建造世界知名建築的天才─義大利建築大師倫佐‧皮亞諾建築作品全集跳脫傳統建築模式,展現稀有而溫暖的人文精神世界知名建築師倫佐‧皮亞諾曾打造經典指標建築包括紐約惠特尼美術館、曼尼爾美術館、倫敦碎片塔和龐畢度藝術中心。他與許多結構工程師密切合作,建造出改變全球城市樣貌的特殊建築。倫佐‧皮亞諾建築工作室成立於巴黎和熱內亞,培育緊密的師徒合作與指導精神,勇於開拓挑戰和激勵人心的突破性建築作品。本書搭配皇家藝術學院的倫佐‧皮亞諾建築展,展示皮亞諾如何將建築與熱情融合,以及對城市和人文的偉大貢獻。內容收錄與皮亞諾的深入訪談,除了分享他的專業經驗,還有運用在個人生活及建築的超凡智慧,其中邀約全球在政治、文化、規劃和建築領域的專家分享和皮亞諾合作的心得,包括奧斯卡最佳男主角羅貝托·貝尼尼、知名雕刻家及建築師新宮晉,及和皮亞諾共同打造龐畢度中心的英國建築師Richard Rogers。One of the world's most renowned architects, Renzo Piano (born 1937) is responsible for such iconic landmarks as the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, the Menil Collection in Houston, the Shard in London and the Pompidou Centre in Paris. He works closely with engineers to craft his buildings, which have changed cities across the globe. The Renzo Piano Building Workshop, based in Paris and Genoa, fosters this spirit of collaboration and mentoring, and continues to pioneer groundbreaking architecture that challenges and inspires.This book, which accompanies an exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, provides an intimate look at the life and work of a man who believes passionately that architecture should make a positive contribution to people and place. An exclusive interview with Piano himself, in which he shares his professional experience and personal and architectural wisdom, introduces this exceptional publication, before a series of texts by major figures from the worlds of politics, culture, planning and building, including the Oscar-winning actor and director Roberto Benigni, the internationally renowned sculptor and architect Susumu Shingu and the architect Richard Rogers, Piano's codesigner of the Pompidou Centre in Paris.


書名 / Renzo Piano: The Art of Making Buildings
作者 / John Tusa Kate Goodwin Roberto Benigni Lorenzo Ciccarelli Luis Fernández-Galiano Alistair Guthrie
簡介 / Renzo Piano: The Art of Making Buildings:建造世界知名建築的天才─義大利建築大師倫佐‧皮亞諾建築作品全集跳脫傳統建築模式,展現稀有而溫暖的人文精神世界知名建築師
ISBN13 / 9781910350713
ISBN10 / 1910350710
EAN / 9781910350713
誠品26碼 / 2681665713009
頁數 / 160
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23X17X1.8CM
級別 / N:無
