內容簡介 全球出版史上最暢銷的書之一,四千萬讀者共鳴推薦。為什麼七個習慣會持續影響人們的生活?我想是因為七個習慣幫助人們發現最好的自己與生活。──史蒂芬.柯維父親總是說,他並未發明這些習慣,因為它們是源於普世原則或自然法則,譬如責任感、正直、豐盛及更新。各位閱讀時可以感覺到,他現身於字裡行間,肯定你的價值和潛力,教導你如何在工作中、家庭裡,做個更有效能的人。──西恩.柯維三十年來,《與成功有約》全球發行超過四千萬冊,是出版史上最暢銷的書之一。史蒂芬.柯維提出高效能成功人士的七個習慣,引領人們打破網路時代疏離的人際關係,以七個習慣重新學習與人相處共事,他告誡我們人生是團隊運動,只有深諳「眾人」藝術的人,才能獲得最大的機會與無限的成就。《與成功有約》是史蒂芬之子西恩融會貫通父親的成功心法且經多年實踐後,在原版《與成功有約》的基礎上,針對現代人的工作與生活型態,增添實用的新見解,讓七個習慣更容易落實在日常生活中。西恩並在書中分享父親的生活故事,讓讀者一窺成功學大師如何力行七個習慣。在這令人迷茫不安的動盪時代,七個習慣幫助你找回生活,重新得到選擇的權力,探索並發現自己最深刻的人生目的,獲得創造未來的工具。七個習慣是所有人一輩子的功課。七個習慣,與成功有約1 主動積極 → 擴大影響力2 以終為始 → 釐清人生定位3 要事第一 → 找到目標與方法4 雙贏思維 → 創造最大價值5 知彼解己 → 維繫人際和諧6 統合綜效 → 化解衝突、找到出路7 不斷更新 → 改變自己與他人的人生本中文書介出自《與成功有約: 高效能人士的七個習慣》遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司出版*New York Times bestseller—over 40 million copies sold**The #1 Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century*One of the most inspiring and impactful books ever written, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has captivated readers for nearly three decades. It has transformed the lives of presidents and CEOs, educators and parents—millions of people of all ages and occupations. Now, this 30th anniversary edition of the timeless classic commemorates the wisdom of the 7 Habits with modern additions from Sean Covey.The 7 Habits have become famous and are integrated into everyday thinking by millions and millions of people. Why? Because they work!With Sean Covey’s added takeaways on how the habits can be used in our modern age, the wisdom of the 7 Habits will be refreshed for a new generation of leaders.They include:Habit 1: Be ProactiveHabit 2: Begin with the End in MindHabit 3: Put First Things FirstHabit 4: Think Win WinHabit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be UnderstoodHabit 6: SynergizeHabit 7: Sharpen the SawThis beloved classic presents a principle-centered approach for solving both personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and practical anecdotes, Stephen R. Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity—principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates."
作者介紹 Stephen R. Covey Recognized as one of Time magazine’s twenty-five most influential Americans, Stephen R. Covey (1932–2012) was an internationally respected leadership authority, family expert, teacher, organizational consultant, and author. His books have sold more than twenty-five million copies in thirty-eight languages, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was named the #1 Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century. After receiving an MBA from Harvard and a doctorate degree from Brigham Young University, he became the cofounder and vice chairman of FranklinCovey, a leading global training firm.Sean CoveySean Covey is Executive Vice President of Global Solutions and Partnerships for FranklinCovey. He is a New York Times bestselling author and has written several books, including The 6 Most Important Decisions You’ll Ever Make, The 7 Habits of Happy Kids, The 4 Disciplines of Execution, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, which has been translated into twenty languages and sold over five million copies worldwide.