How to Fix a Broken Heart | 誠品線上

不必為悲傷感到抱歉: 修復心碎的自我療癒之路

作者 Guy Winch
商品描述 How to Fix a Broken Heart:除了等待時間療傷,還有什麼方法讓我們重新振作?心碎無痕,卻更痛苦!但我們甚至為自己的脆弱感到羞愧,強裝一切如常,任由傷口蔓延擴散,終


內容簡介 除了等待時間療傷,還有什麼方法讓我們重新振作? 心碎無痕,卻更痛苦! 但我們甚至為自己的脆弱感到羞愧,強裝一切如常, 任由傷口蔓延擴散,終於難以癒合…… 任何人都有心碎的時刻,失戀、失去至親至友、失去長年相伴的寵物,感到無比哀傷,無法思考、無法行動、回不到正常生活。★超人氣TED相關演講影片總點閱破三百萬次 本書作者蓋‧溫奇是紐約大學臨床心理學博士,是在曼哈頓執業超過二十五年的心理醫師。在本書,他提供每一個傷心欲絕的人所需要的肯定、撫慰與希望。 本書結合臨床經驗與學術發現,交織令人感同身受的案例研究。說明我們對心碎這種普遍經驗的了解有多麼淺薄,以及我們的誤解為什麼會讓自己遲遲無法復原。並提供實用的心碎療育指引,教我們如何處理及面對心碎衝擊,如何讓自己走出傷痛,重新好好生活。 各界好評 「《如何修復破碎的心》是一本經過深入研究而且深具實用性的書,它提供每一個傷心欲絕的人所需要的肯定、撫慰與希望。溫奇從他的私人執業經驗以及令人驚訝的科學發現中,交織出引人注目的案例研究。溫奇說明了我們對這種普遍經驗的了解有多麼淺薄,以及我們的誤解為什麼會讓我們付出代價,而且會延緩我們的復原。這本富有同情心而且令人大開眼界的書,對於任何哀悼逝去的愛情或珍愛的寵物的人來說,是一本非讀不可的書;它也提出令人信服的論述,讓我們知道這些不被認可的悲傷形式是應該被承認的。」──暢銷書《性關係狀態與受束縛的歡愛》(The State of Affairs and Mating in Captivity)作者,艾瑟.佩萊爾(Esther Perel) 「心碎是一種多麼刻骨銘心的經歷,但是社會對它的主要建議實在是很瘋狂,因為我們的社會要我們『日復一日地忍受,到最後你就會克服它。』我第一次在TED上聽到蓋.溫奇在談論心碎,我就為之著迷──而這本書又更上一層樓。這是一本很棒的書,它是寫給任何正陷入心碎歷程的人,或是任何想要幫助別人走出心碎幽谷的人,或者是任何只是單純想要更了解人類的人。」──Wait But Why創辦人,提姆.厄本(Tim Urban) TED Books系列 TED Books是介紹重要觀念的輕快閱讀系列,由TED團隊策劃製作,找專精領域又善於說故事的講者與作者,規劃出涵蓋多元領域的一系列TED Books。每本書的篇幅短到可以一口氣讀完,但是也長到足以深度解說一個主題,主題非常廣,從建築、商業、太空旅行、到愛情,包羅萬象,是任何有好奇心、愛廣泛學習的人的完美選擇。在TED.com上,每一本書都有搭配的相關TED Talk演講,接續演講未盡之處。十八分鐘的演講或播下種子、或激發想像,許多演講都開啟了想要知道得更深、想學得更多的渴望,需要更完整的故事。TED Books輕快閱讀系列正滿足了這個需求。本書介出自天下雜誌出版《不必為悲傷感到抱歉: 修復心碎的自我療癒之路 》Imagine if we treated broken hearts with the same respect and concern we have for broken arms? Psychologist Guy Winch urges us to rethink the way we deal with emotional pain, offering warm, wise, and witty advice for the broken-hearted.Real heartbreak is unmistakable. We think of nothing else. We feel nothing else. We care about nothing else. Yet while we wouldn’t expect someone to return to daily activities immediately after suffering a broken limb, heartbroken people are expected to function normally in their lives, despite the emotional pain they feel. Now psychologist Guy Winch imagines how different things would be if we paid more attention to this unique emotion—if only we can understand how heartbreak works, we can begin to fix it.Through compelling research and new scientific studies, Winch reveals how and why heartbreak impacts our brain and our behavior in dramatic and unexpected ways, regardless of our age. Emotional pain lowers our ability to reason, to think creatively, to problem solve, and to function at our best. In How to Fix a Broken Heart he focuses on two types of emotional pain—romantic heartbreak and the heartbreak that results from the loss of a cherished pet. These experiences are both accompanied by severe grief responses, yet they are not deemed as important as, for example, a formal divorce or the loss of a close relative. As a result, we are often deprived of the recognition, support, and compassion afforded to those whose heartbreak is considered more significant.Our heart might be broken, but we do not have to break with it. Winch reveals that recovering from heartbreak always starts with a decision, a determination to move on when our mind is fighting to keep us stuck. We can take control of our lives and our minds and put ourselves on the path to healing. Winch offers a toolkit on how to handle and cope with a broken heart and how to, eventually, move on.


書名 / How to Fix a Broken Heart
作者 / Guy Winch
簡介 / How to Fix a Broken Heart:除了等待時間療傷,還有什麼方法讓我們重新振作?心碎無痕,卻更痛苦!但我們甚至為自己的脆弱感到羞愧,強裝一切如常,任由傷口蔓延擴散,終
ISBN13 / 9781501120121
ISBN10 / 1501120123
EAN / 9781501120121
誠品26碼 / 2681536410006
頁數 / 120
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17.7X12.7CM
級別 / N:無
