Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces That Shape Behavior | 誠品線上

Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces That Shape Behavior

作者 Jonah Berger
商品描述 Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces That Shape Behavior:暢銷書《瘋潮行銷》作者約拿‧博格全新力作發現看不見的影響力,尋找塑造行為能力及選擇的隱形力量暢銷書作


內容簡介 你比自己想的更容易被左右!為何我們有時顯得盲從,有時又刻意不做別人已經在做的事? 我們以為做決定的是自己,卻忽略了背後的「社會影響力」。* 冠軍暢銷書《瘋潮行銷》作者又一剖析人類行為的代表作——不論你想成功銷售產品或聰明過生活,都必須洞悉無所不在的「社會影響力」。.為什麼熟悉市場的專業人士也無法預測哪些商品會暢銷?.為什麼有些品牌要付錢請某些名人別穿自家衣服?.為什麼LV等精品業者應該鼓勵仿冒?.為什麼外觀越普通的國民車賣得越好?.為什麼家中排行才是選拔頂尖運動員的關鍵?.為什麼政府的節能宣導一點效果也沒有?不知道今天天氣該穿什麼衣服,看看窗外的人怎麼穿,從眾可以幫助我們快速做決定;你在聚餐最後想來一客甜點,其他人卻興趣缺缺,那就算了吧,從眾可以減少社會壓力;人類天生具有模仿的傾向,跟其他人做相同的事容易贏得好感,例如在談判時模仿對方的舉動,成交機率可以高五成。然而,人類行為遠比上述還複雜,我們在某些時候又會想要特立獨行。當某件商品透露出跟身分地位有關的訊息,我們就會想要與眾不同。而中產階級比起勞動階級,又更在乎自己的獨特性。我們所處的文化也會造成差異,像是美國追捧獨特性,日本則是推崇要合群。這些因素交錯影響著我們每日做的決定。華頓商學院行銷學教授約拿.博格,透過數百次實驗、分析數千場競賽、檢視數百次購物行為來研究「社會影響力」科學,探討他人如何用難以察覺且意想不到的方式左右我們的行為。書中詳盡介紹了社會影響作用的主要面向,並提供許多活用在各種實務上的靈感。不論是提升工作表現、讓商品暢銷,或是讓數百萬人主動省電節能……只要能掌握這股隱形的力量,就有機會更有效率且更成功地達成目標,在工作與生活上獲取更大成就。本中文書介出自《看不見的影響力: 華頓商學院教你看清自己如何受影響, 做最好的決定 》時報文化出版企業股份有限公司出版In Invisible Influence, the New York Times bestselling author of Contagious explores the subtle influences that affect the decisions we make—from what we buy, to the careers we choose, to what we eat.“Jonah Berger has done it again: written a fascinating book that brims with ideas and tools for how to think about the world.” —Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of HabitIf you’re like most people, you think your individual tastes and opinions drive your choices and behaviors. You wear a certain jacket because you liked how it looked. You picked a particular career because you found it interesting. The notion that our choices are driven by our own personal thoughts and opinions is patently obvious. Right? Wrong.Without our realizing it, other people’s behavior has a huge influence on everything we do at every moment of our lives, from the mundane to the momentous. Even strangers have an impact on our judgments and decisions: our attitudes toward a welfare policy shift if we’re told it is supported by Democrats versus Republicans (even though the policy is the same). But social influence doesn’t just lead us to do the same things as others. In some cases we imitate others around us. But in other cases we avoid particular choices or behaviors because other people are doing them. We stop listening to a band because they go mainstream. We skip buying the minivan because we don’t want to look like a soccer mom.By understanding how social influence works, we can decide when to resist and when to embrace it—and learn how we can use this knowledge to exercise more control over our own behavior. In Invisible Influence, Jonah Berger “is consistently entertaining, applying science to real life in surprising ways and explaining research through narrative. His book fascinates because it opens up the moving parts of a mysterious machine, allowing readers to watch them in action” (Publishers Weekly)."


書名 / Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces That Shape Behavior
作者 / Jonah Berger
簡介 / Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces That Shape Behavior:暢銷書《瘋潮行銷》作者約拿‧博格全新力作發現看不見的影響力,尋找塑造行為能力及選擇的隱形力量暢銷書作
ISBN13 / 9781476759739
ISBN10 / 1476759731
EAN / 9781476759739
誠品26碼 / 2681448926008
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.3X14CM
級別 / N:無