One of Us: The Story of Anders Breivik and the Massacre in Norway | 誠品線上

One of Us: The Story of Anders Breivik and the Massacre in Norway

作者 Asne Seierstad
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 One of Us: The Story of Anders Breivik and the Massacre in Norway:2011年7月22日,布列維克(AndersBehringBreivik)在位於奧斯陸的挪威總理辦公室外引爆炸彈,造成8人


內容簡介 《紐約時報》評選2015年十大最佳書籍亞馬遜評選2015年百大最佳書籍宛如驚濤駭浪般的屠殺事件,徹底顛覆挪威全國,最後的審判讓人民重新審視國家民主與人權最沉痛的故事情節,卻是血淋淋的真實事件2011年7月22日,布列維克(Anders Behring Breivik)在位於奧斯陸的挪威總理辦公室外引爆炸彈,造成 8人死亡,接著他前往於特島的勞工黨青年營,持槍襲擊並殺死超過69位青少年,這一天,成為挪威史上最慘重的屠殺事件。挪威記者奧斯娜.塞厄斯塔(Åsne Seierstad)以細密生動的文筆,描述這個悲傷的日子及後續造成的重大影響。一個來自奧斯陸富裕家庭的天才兒童,為什麼會成為全歐洲憎恨的恐怖份子?一個平和及繁榮的國家,該如何面對這場驚人的屠殺事件?知名暢銷書《喀布爾的書商,和他的女人》(The Bookseller of Kabul)作者塞厄斯塔為了解這起屠殺事件,深入布列維克的童年。一個曾經喜愛嘻哈文化及塗鴉的少年,為何會成為極右派激進份子;一個成功的企業家,為何會沉迷電玩並自封為反穆斯林思想的勇士,並相信他可以拯救歐洲免於伊斯蘭教及多元文化政策的威脅。同時她也深訪那些受害人的家庭關係,政治傾向及未完成的夢想。書中收錄這場大屠殺的審判細節,包括布列維克如何陳述他的殺人理念、評審團如何判定布列維克是否因精神異常而犯案,及被害者律師提出為何鬆散的警力使一人就能造成如此重大的傷害等問題。作者以心理學角度研究暴力極端主義者的心理狀態及犯案動機,以同理心去深入了解布列維克所提到的社會特權現象,是否就是造就出人類走向邪惡的原因之一,她認為布列維克的養成,是來自整個挪威社會,他並非異常,他是「我們的其中一人」。On 22 July 2011 Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 of his fellow Norwegians in a terrorist atrocity that shocked the world. Many were teenagers, just beginning their adult lives. In the devastating aftermath, the inevitable questions began. How could this happen? Why did it happen? And who was Anders Breivik?Åsne Seierstad was uniquely placed to explore these questions. An award-winning foreign correspondent, she had spent years writing about people caught up in violent conflict. Now, for the first time, she was being asked to write about her home country.Based on extensive testimonies and interviews, One of Us is the definitive account of the massacres and the subsequent trial.But more than that, it is the compelling story of Anders Breivik and a select group of his victims. A picture emerges of a killer - isolated, awkward, with a strange and troubled childhood. And on the other side, we come to know fascinating, dazzling young people such as Simon Sæbø and Bano Rashid, eager to contribute to their society. As we follow the path to their inevitable collision, it becomes clear just what was lost in that one day.A gripping, shattering and vital book, One of Us is the story of a massacre and a study of evil. But it is also a story about community versus isolation, hope versus rejection, love versus bigotry - and a powerful memorial to those who lost their lives.


作者介紹 �sne Seierstad is an award-winning Norwegian journalist and writer known for her work as a war correspondent. She is the author of The Bookseller of Kabul, One Hundred and One Days: A Baghdad Journal, and Angel of Grozny: Inside Chechnya. She lives in Oslo, Norway.


書名 / One of Us: The Story of Anders Breivik and the Massacre in Norway
作者 / Asne Seierstad
簡介 / One of Us: The Story of Anders Breivik and the Massacre in Norway:2011年7月22日,布列維克(AndersBehringBreivik)在位於奧斯陸的挪威總理辦公室外引爆炸彈,造成8人
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9780374277895
ISBN10 / 0374277893
EAN / 9780374277895
誠品26碼 / 2681254497006
頁數 / 544
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
