Signals: How Everyday Signs Can Help Us Navigate the World's Turbulent Economy | 誠品線上

Signals: How Everyday Signs Can Help Us Navigate the World's Turbulent Economy

作者 Pippa Malmgren
商品描述 Signals: How Everyday Signs Can Help Us Navigate the World's Turbulent Economy:尋找生活中的經濟信號了解動盪不安的全球經濟曾任前美國總統小布希顧問、經濟學家瑪姆


內容簡介 尋找生活中的經濟信號了解動盪不安的全球經濟曾任前美國總統小布希顧問、經濟學家瑪姆葛倫,帶您解讀日常生活中的經濟信號,了解全球經濟!日常生活中的人事物,從時尚雜誌封面、超市到抗議行動,從社會動亂、商品製造到軍事行動,可能都隱藏著經濟的秘密。即使政府表示我們面臨通貨緊縮,我們卻明顯感覺生活成本不斷飆升,但生活品質卻下降。通貨緊縮與通貨膨脹的經濟力量,打破國家與人民之間的社會契約,引發許多看似並沒有關聯的事件,不管是反體制(anti-establishment)的投票、社會動亂、製造業從開發中國家遷回西方國家、美國與俄國和中國的軍事較量,還是對於大規模移民的抗拒等事件的增加,都與經濟息息相關。作者曾準確預測英國脫歐公投結果與川普勝選,即使沒有人能夠真正準確的預測未來,她認為只要對於生活周遭的訊號保持警覺、多加留心注意,就能以更多的餘裕面對全球經濟所帶來的問題。經濟並不是一小群特權階層擔憂的議題,更不僅僅是數據的堆疊,而是與大眾的日常生活緊密相連。本書以淺顯易懂的語言撰寫,以日常生活中的物件為例,是門外漢也能輕鬆入門的經濟著作!SIGNALS is the story of the world economy, told in the language of everyday objects, places and events - from magazine covers and supermarkets to public protests.Pippa Malmgren argues that by being alert to the many signals around us, we can be empowered to deal with the varied troubles and treasures the world economy inevitably brings. Economics is not just maths and data. Perfume and makeup are part of the world economy too. Signals will help you understand why the size of chocolate bars, steaks and apartments are shrinking. It explains why the government says we face deflation yet everyone feels their cost of living is rising and their standard of living is falling. Rising protein prices are felt not just during your weekly shop but by the leaders of emerging markets who are obliged to reach for food and energy assets to feed their people. The increasing near misses between America's spy planes and the fighter jets of China and Russia are no coincidence.Malmgren reveals how our daily lives are affected by the ongoing battle, created by central bankers, between inflation and deflation. The fallout of this battle is evident in the rise of anti-establishment voting, the return of social unrest to emerging markets, the movement of manufacturing jobs back to the West, and by pressure from mass immigration. Economic forces are breaking the social contract between citizens and their states. If the only real solution is innovation, then the key question becomes whether governments are hostile or hospitable to efforts to build tomorrow's economy today. Malmgren shows us who is already building the future and how to be part of it.With its wonderful range of examples, from a Vogue magazine cover to a protest by a Tibetan monk, Signals demonstrates that although we can't predict the future of the world economy, we can better prepare ourselves for it. Far from being the concern of only a privileged few, Malmgren shows that economics is a hot topic that touches every life.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介琵琶.瑪姆葛倫(Pippa Malmgren)經濟學家,曾任職於美國國家經濟委員會,擔任前美國總統小布希的特別經濟顧問。


書名 / Signals: How Everyday Signs Can Help Us Navigate the World's Turbulent Economy
作者 / Pippa Malmgren
簡介 / Signals: How Everyday Signs Can Help Us Navigate the World's Turbulent Economy:尋找生活中的經濟信號了解動盪不安的全球經濟曾任前美國總統小布希顧問、經濟學家瑪姆
ISBN13 / 9781474603522
ISBN10 / 1474603521
EAN / 9781474603522
誠品26碼 / 2681400180004
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9CM
級別 / N:無
