Mafia Life: Love, Death and Money at the Heart of Organised Crime | 誠品線上

Mafia Life: Love, Death and Money at the Heart of Organised Crime

作者 Federico Varese
商品描述 Mafia Life: Love, Death and Money at the Heart of Organised Crime:本書揭開組織犯罪的神秘面紗,讓讀者不再只是從電影中認識黑手黨、俄羅斯黑幫或是日本的極道。一般


內容簡介 本書揭開組織犯罪的神秘面紗,讓讀者不再只是從電影中認識黑手黨、俄羅斯黑幫或是日本的極道。一般人眼中的黑社會是一個透過廣大且強力的組織,將觸手伸進各個層面,非法獲取大量所得的團體,但局外人對他們的運作方式卻知之甚少。本書作者利用監聽錄音帶、採訪以及未曾對外公開的警方紀錄,從俄羅斯黑幫的入會儀式到澳門豪華的賭場,他描繪出黑幫生活中的男男女女,他們的愛恨情仇,野心與挫敗,當然還有他們的犯罪內容。在本書中,我們看見黑幫小弟也會擔心老大們不當的管理方式,暗殺的失敗率其實和成功率一樣高,趨於嚴厲的刑法,也意味著犯罪人生不再保證擁有豪奢的生活。世界在變,黑社會也在變。在全球化、移民與科技的影響下,黑幫的傳統與獲利都受到了威脅,如果不進化就等著被淘汰。透過本書,我們可以一窺黑幫成員的日常生活,以及他們如何掌控了現代世界。We see mafias as vast, powerful organisations, harvesting billions of dollars across the globe and wrapping its tentacles around everything from governance to finance. But is this the truth? Travelling from mafia initiation ceremonies in far-flung Russian cities to elite gambling clubs in downtown Macau, Federico Varese sets off in search of answers. Using wiretapped conversations, interviews and previously unpublished police records, he builds up a picture of the real men and women caught up in mafia life, showing their loves and fears, ambitions and disappointments, as well as their crimes.Mafia Life takes us into the real world of organised crime, where mafia henchmen worry about their bad managers and have high blood pressure, assassinations are bungled as often as they come off, and increasing pressure from law enforcement means that a life of crime is no longer lived in the lap of luxury.As our world changes, so must the mafia. Globalisation, migration and technology are disrupting their traditions and threatening their revenue streams, and the mafiosi must evolve or die. Mafia Life is an intense and totally compelling look at an organisation and the daily life of its members, as it gets to grips with the modern world.Out now in paperback.


書名 / Mafia Life: Love, Death and Money at the Heart of Organised Crime
作者 / Federico Varese
簡介 / Mafia Life: Love, Death and Money at the Heart of Organised Crime:本書揭開組織犯罪的神秘面紗,讓讀者不再只是從電影中認識黑手黨、俄羅斯黑幫或是日本的極道。一般
ISBN13 / 9781781252550
ISBN10 / 1781252556
EAN / 9781781252550
誠品26碼 / 2681573924009
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9CM
級別 / N:無