What's Next? What Science Can Tell Us About Our Fascinating Future | 誠品線上

What's Next? What Science Can Tell Us About Our Fascinating Future

作者 Jim Al-Khalili/ Ed.
商品描述 What's Next? What Science Can Tell Us About Our Fascinating Future:跟著理論物理學家吉姆‧艾爾-卡利里的腳步,一同展開探索人類未來的時光之旅你曾以為不可能達到的


內容簡介 跟著理論物理學家吉姆‧艾爾-卡利里的腳步,一同展開探索人類未來的時光之旅你曾以為不可能達到的未來科技,例如電影《回到未來》中的懸浮滑板與時光旅行,這一切都不再成為不可能。每一天,科學家都在努力解決各種科技難題,發現更能讓我們接近未來的新科技。現在,物理學家吉姆・艾爾-卡利里和他的精銳科學團隊將突破更多科學難題,以更前衛的科學新知發現未來。從瞬間移動的真實可行性(的確可行),到世界的一切都由人工智慧掌管,這些仿彿科幻電影的不可能都將透過科學的視角發現其真實性。未來人類是否能治癒所有疾病、氣候變化的解決辦法?仿生學的發展會讓人類成為超級英雄嗎?最有趣的科學新知都將透過本書一一解開謎底。 Thought the science of the future was all hoverboards and space travel? Think again.Every day, scientists come up with the ingenious solutions and surprising discoveries that will define our future. So here, Jim Al-Khalili and his crack team of experts bin the crystal ball and use cutting-edge science to get a glimpse of what's in store.From whether teleportation is really possible (spoiler: it is), to what we'll do if artificial intelligence takes over, What's Next? takes on the big questions. And along the way, it'll answer questions like Will we find a cure to all diseases? An answer to climate change? Will bionics make us into superheroes?Touching on everything from genetics to transport, and nanotechnology to teleportation, What's Next? is a fascinating, fun and informative look at what's in store for the human race.


作者介紹 Jim Al-KhaliliJim Al-Khalili OBE is an Iraqi-born British theoretical physicist, author and broadcaster. He is currently Professor of Theoretical Physics and Chair in the Public Engagement in Science at the University of Surrey. He has hosted several BBC productions about science, including BBC Radio 4's The Life Scientific.


書名 / What's Next? What Science Can Tell Us About Our Fascinating Future
作者 / Jim Al-Khalili Ed.
簡介 / What's Next? What Science Can Tell Us About Our Fascinating Future:跟著理論物理學家吉姆‧艾爾-卡利里的腳步,一同展開探索人類未來的時光之旅你曾以為不可能達到的
ISBN13 / 9781781258958
ISBN10 / 1781258953
EAN / 9781781258958
誠品26碼 / 2681469535005
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9CM
級別 / N:無