Our Revolution: A Future to Believe in | 誠品線上

Our Revolution: A Future to Believe in

作者 Bernie Sanders
商品描述 Our Revolution: A Future to Believe in:桑德斯(BernieSanders)到底有何能耐,能與希拉蕊.柯林頓在民主黨總統候選人競選中一較高下?他的政治理念為什麼被視為進步政治


內容簡介 桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)到底有何能耐,能與希拉蕊.柯林頓在民主黨總統候選人競選中一較高下?他的政治理念為什麼被視為進步政治的象徵?本書有桑德斯本人詳盡的闡述,是對政治科學有興趣的讀者不容錯過的著作。當桑德斯開始他在民主黨內的總統候選人競選之路時,政治團體與媒體都認為這只不過是外圍的政治活動,不值得嚴肅看待。畢竟,他來自美國一個小小的州,又是個沒有名氣的獨立參議員,他的競選團隊沒有錢,也沒有政治機構的支持,卻要挑戰整個民主黨的當權勢力。當競選活動即將結束,幾乎跌破所有專家的眼鏡。桑德斯完成了美國現代史上最重要的競選結果:他在各州與黨團的初選中,獲得了一千三百萬以上的選票,贏得22個州,超過一百四十萬人參加了他的公開集會。最重要的是,他告訴大家,全民已準備好要挑戰美國的貪婪與不負責任,還有那1%的極富集團。在《我們的革命》這本書中,桑德斯與讀者分享他整個競選系列的個人經驗,詳述他具歷史意義的初擊,還有使競選成真的人們。他為數百萬持續渴望政治革命的人們擘劃出關於經濟、環境、種族與社會正義的計畫,可以為所有人創造工作機會、提高薪資、保護環境、提供健康照顧,最後使得美國甚至全世界更為美好。對他而言,政治革命才剛開始,競選結束了,但奮鬥還在持續中。The New York Times bestseller!When Bernie Sanders began his race for the presidency, it was considered by the political establishment and the media to be a “fringe” campaign, something not to be taken seriously. After all, he was just an Independent senator from a small state with little name recognition. His campaign had no money, no political organization, and it was taking on the entire Democratic Party establishment.By the time Sanders’s campaign came to a close, however, it was clear that the pundits had gotten it wrong. Bernie had run one of the most consequential campaigns in the modern history of the country. He had received more than 13 million votes in primaries and caucuses throughout the country, won twenty-two states, and more than 1.4 million people had attended his public meetings. Most important, he showed that the American people were prepared to take on the greed and irresponsibility of corporate America and the 1 percent.In Our Revolution, Sanders shares his personal experiences from the campaign trail, recounting the details of his historic primary fight and the people who made it possible. And for the millions looking to continue the political revolution, he outlines a progressive economic, environmental, racial, and social justice agenda that will create jobs, raise wages, protect the environment, and provide health care for all―and ultimately transform our country and our world for the better. For him, the political revolution has just started. The campaign may be over, but the struggle goes on.


作者介紹 伯尼.桑德斯 (Bernie Sanders) 在2015與2016年競選民主黨內總統候選人的資格,曾經當過佛蒙特州最大城伯靈頓的8年市長,之後在1991年打敗當任的共和黨眾議員成為美國眾議院的獨立眾議員,2007年當選參議員,現在的第二任期,使他成為美國國會史上任期最久的獨立議員。


書名 / Our Revolution: A Future to Believe in
作者 / Bernie Sanders
簡介 / Our Revolution: A Future to Believe in:桑德斯(BernieSanders)到底有何能耐,能與希拉蕊.柯林頓在民主黨總統候選人競選中一較高下?他的政治理念為什麼被視為進步政治
ISBN13 / 9781781258545
ISBN10 / 1781258546
EAN / 9781781258545
誠品26碼 / 2681450001007
頁數 / 464
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9CM
級別 / N:無