The Book of Spice: From Anise to Zedoary | 誠品線上

香料共和國: 從洋茴香到鬱金, 打開A-Z的味覺秘語

作者 約翰.歐康奈
商品描述 The Book of Spice: From Anise to Zedoary:Spicesarerarethings,atoncefamiliarandexotic,comfortingusinfavouritedisheswhileevokingfar-flungcountries,Arabiansouks,t


內容簡介 Spices are rare things, at once familiar and exotic, comforting us in favourite dishes while evoking far-flung countries, Arabian souks, trade winds, colonial conquests and vast fortunes. From anise to zedoary, The Book of Spice introduces us to their properties, both medical and magical, and the fascinating stories that lie behind both kitchen staples and esoteric luxuries.John O'Connell's bite-size chapters combine insights on history and art, religion and medicine, culture and science, richly seasoned with anecdotes and recipes. Discover why Cleopatra bathed in saffron and mare's milk, why wormwood-laced absinthe caused eighteenth-century drinkers to hallucinate and how cloves harvested in remote Indonesian islands found their way into a kitchen in ancient Syria.Almost every kitchen contains a tin of cloves or a stick of cinnamon, almost every dish a pinch of something, whether chilli or cumin. Combining an extraordinary amount of research with a lifelong passion, this is culinary history at its most appetising.


書名 / The Book of Spice: From Anise to Zedoary
作者 / 約翰.歐康奈
簡介 / The Book of Spice: From Anise to Zedoary:Spicesarerarethings,atoncefamiliarandexotic,comfortingusinfavouritedisheswhileevokingfar-flungcountries,Arabiansouks,t
ISBN13 / 9781781253045
ISBN10 / 1781253048
EAN / 9781781253045
誠品26碼 / 2681345590005
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.2X14.4CM
級別 / N:無