內容簡介 人家都說巴黎的女人自信,巴黎的女人優雅,巴黎的女人有想法──終於,有四位氣質出眾、事業有成的巴黎女人要自己跟我們說一說她們怎麼穿衣,怎麼享受人生。四名作者Anne Berest、Audrey Diwan、Caroline de Maigret、Sophie Mas都是新時代的女性,在音樂、電影、時尚、出版業各自有一片天。她們要用直率真誠的文筆,戳破外界對法國女性的迷思,向讀者坦白看看她們的秘密和小毛病,也不吝於拿自己複雜矛盾的感覺和行為開開玩笑。她們承認自己有點高傲,有點自我中心,難以捉摸但並非難以相處。她們有時意見很多,卻也不乏溫柔浪漫的一面。讀者將和她們一起回到第一次約會的場景,讓她們帶妳去巴黎的私房景點,去鄉間,還一同進廚房做晚餐(你也能試試巴黎女人的私房食譜!)和巴黎女人出去絕不無趣,她們慧黠調皮,處處讓人驚喜。這幾個巴黎女子要用簡短好讀文章告訴讀者她們對時尚、美麗、文化、態度還有男人的看法,個個見解獨到,有自己的一套。她們會告訴妳如何保持神秘感,如何看起來自然又有魅力,就如同一抹娉婷的巴黎倩影。
作者介紹 Anne Berest is the author of two novels and a biography of Françoise Sagan published this year; she also writes for television, cinema, and theater. Audrey Diwan became a scriptwriter after studying journalism and political science. She wrote the screenplay for Cédric Jimenez’s La French, with Jean Dujardin, and is now directing her first feature film; she is also editor-at-large for the magazine Stylist. Caroline de Maigret studied literature at the Sorbonne before moving to New York to model. She returned to Paris in 2006 to found her music label. De Maigret has been an ambassador for Chanel since 2012, and supports women worldwide through the NGO Care.Sophie Mas was born and raised in Paris. After graduating from Sciences Po and HEC, she started her own film company and now works as a producer in Los Angeles, New York and São Paulo.