內容簡介 川普總統大選致勝關鍵,最暗黑的真相,揭露川普通俄門事件精心策劃的政治陰謀,川普政府與莫斯科的緊密連結,是否造就美國民主政權的垮台2016年12月,英國《衛報》暨前莫斯科駐外記者盧克‧哈丁與前英國MI6情報員Christopher Steele密會,探討唐納‧川普在美國總統大選的獲勝關鍵,就是與俄國政府有著緊密連結。一個月後,Steele的檔案曝光,揭露了當代最大的政治醜聞。美方牽扯通俄門事件的知名人物有:川普前競選總幹事曼納福特、前國家安全顧問麥克‧佛林、美國總統高級顧問及川普的女婿傑瑞德‧庫許納、外交政策顧問帕帕多普洛斯及佩吉等。其中涉入的俄羅斯主要人物有「俄國川普」之稱的富豪Aras Agalarov、女律師娜塔莉亞,及俄羅斯駐美大使基斯莉亞克,而他們主要的動機與計畫,似乎皆直接由克里姆林宮直接授權。透過更多最新證據及哈丁長年對俄羅斯的了解,一同帶領讀者發現充滿詭計及黑暗的川普通俄門事件,一起牽扯國際間諜、境外銀行、房地產交易、黑社會、洗錢、異見人士、電腦駭客及美國史上最令人震驚的選舉醜聞。
作者介紹 Luke HardingLuke Harding is a journalist, writer, and award-winning foreign correspondent for the Guardian. Between 2007 and 2011, he was the Guardian’s Moscow bureau chief. The Kremlin expelled him from the country in the first case of its kind since the Cold War. He is the author of five previous nonfiction books: A Very Expensive Poison: The Assassination of Alexander Litvinenko and Putin’s War with the West, The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World’s Most Wanted Man, Mafia State: How One Reporter Became an Enemy of the Brutal New Russia, WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange’s War on Secrecy, and The Liar: The Fall of Jonathan Aitken (the last two co-written by David Leigh.) Two have been made into Hollywood movies. His books have been translated into 30 languages. Harding lives near London with his wife, the freelance journalist Phoebe Taplin, and their two children.