Tango | 誠品線上


作者 Thompson, Robert Farris
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Tango:【96年3月好讀推薦】提起探戈,浮現的是熱情性感的音樂和身影。本書為研究阿根廷舞蹈的文化史,也間接傳遞了作者對探戈的熱情。Thompson是非洲文化研究者與藝術史家


內容簡介 In this generously illustrated book, world-renowned Yale art historian Robert Farris Thompson gives us the definitive account of tango, "the fabulous dance of the past hundred years–and the most beautiful, in the opinion of Martha Graham.”Thompson traces tango’s evolution in the nineteenth century under European, Andalusian-Gaucho, and African influences through its representations by Hollywood and dramatizations in dance halls throughout the world. He shows us tango not only as brilliant choreography but also as text, music, art, and philosophy of life. Passionately argued and unparalleled in its research, its synthesis, and its depth of understanding, Tango: The Art History of Love is a monumental achievement.


各界推薦 【96年3月好讀推薦】提起探戈,浮現的是熱情性感的音樂和身影。本書為研究阿根廷舞蹈的文化史,也間接傳遞了作者對探戈的熱情。Thompson是非洲文化研究者與藝術史家,他挖掘探戈的旋律、詩歌、舞步和哲學,細訴作曲家和舞者的故事,追索探戈的根源及其與多種藝術表現的關連,從十九世紀在歐洲的演變、安達魯西亞高卓人和非洲的影響,而好萊塢則將讓它風靡全球。


作者介紹 Robert Farris Thompson is the author of, among other works, Black Gods and Kings, African Art in Motion, and Flash of the Spirit. He has been a Ford Foundation Fellow and has mounted major exhibitions of African art at the National Gallery in Washington, D.C. He is Col. John Trumbull Professor of the History of Art at Yale University, where he is also Master of Timothy Dwight College. He lives in New Haven, Connecticut.


書名 / Tango
作者 / Thompson, Robert Farris
簡介 / Tango:【96年3月好讀推薦】提起探戈,浮現的是熱情性感的音樂和身影。本書為研究阿根廷舞蹈的文化史,也間接傳遞了作者對探戈的熱情。Thompson是非洲文化研究者與藝術史家
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781400095797
ISBN10 / 1400095794
EAN / 9781400095797
誠品26碼 / 2680215288004
頁數 / 384
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無