Crucible: A Thriller | 誠品線上

Crucible: A Thriller

作者 James Rollins
商品描述 Crucible: A Thriller:“[Rollins]iswhatyoumightendupwithifyoutossedMichaelCrichtonandDanBrownintoaparticleacceleratortogether.”—NewYorkTimesBookReviewArriving


內容簡介 JamesRollins《西格瑪中隊》系列最新小說,融合中世紀獵巫與人工智慧科技的冒險小說。 「如果你把麥可.克萊頓與丹.布朗一起丟進粒子加速器中,所得到的結果可能是羅林斯。」- 《紐約時報》書評 「一說到混合著動作、冒險、歷史與科學時,沒有任何一個作者可以做得比Rollins要好。」 - 《書單》(Booklist) 西格瑪中隊指揮官Gray Pierce在耶誕節前夕返家,卻發現家中遭到洗劫,他的懷孕女友失蹤了,摯友的妻子Kat無意識地躺在廚房地板上。沒有任何蛛絲馬跡可以追蹤,他唯一能夠找回愛人與未出世孩子的希望就寄託在Kat身上,因為她是事件唯一的目擊者。但是Kat處於半昏迷狀態且無法說話,直到一位神經科學家使用一種激烈的方式,將Kat的心智”解鎖”,好讓Gray有足夠時間詢問她一些問題。 Kat告知Pierce的內容迫使西格瑪中隊匆忙出發去尋求解答,這些答案與西班牙異端裁判所以及史上最惡毒且佈滿鮮血的中世紀文本《女巫之槌》的秘密相關聯。他們所揭露的深藏於過去的事物,顯現了當下的恐怖事實,以及未來被毀滅的可能,這些都逼著他們面對一個終極的問題:靈魂的意義是什麼?“[Rollins] is what you might end up with if you tossed Michael Crichton and Dan Brown into a particle accelerator together.”—New York Times Book ReviewArriving home on Christmas Eve, Commander Gray Pierce discovers his house ransacked, his pregnant lover missing, and his best friend’s wife, Kat, unconscious on the kitchen floor. With no shred of evidence to follow, his one hope to find the woman he loves and his unborn child is Kat, the only witness to what happened. But the injured woman is in a semi-comatose state and cannot speak—until a brilliant neurologist offers a radical approach to “unlock” her mind long enough to ask a few questions.What Pierce learns from Kat sets Sigma Force on a frantic quest for answers that are connected to mysteries reaching back to the Spanish Inquisition and to one of the most reviled and blood-soaked books in human history—a Medieval text known as the Malleus Maleficarum, the Hammer of Witches. What they uncover hidden deep in the past will reveal a frightening truth in the present and a future on the brink of annihilation, and force them to confront the ultimate question: What does it mean to have a soul?“When it comes to the blending of action, adventure, history, and science, there is no other author who does it better than Rollins.”—Booklist


書名 / Crucible: A Thriller
作者 / James Rollins
簡介 / Crucible: A Thriller:“[Rollins]iswhatyoumightendupwithifyoutossedMichaelCrichtonandDanBrownintoaparticleacceleratortogether.”—NewYorkTimesBookReviewArriving
ISBN13 / 9780062381798
ISBN10 / 0062381792
EAN / 9780062381798
誠品26碼 / 2681745465002
頁數 / 656
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19X10.6X3.8CM
級別 / N:無