內容簡介 ◎引起最多討論的當代小說經典,結合奇幻、恐怖、懸疑、公路電影等元素的類型文學, 為美國所寫的失落神話。◎《雙面人魔》編劇 布萊恩富勒 + 《古戰場傳奇》Starz頻道 ,聯手改編當代奇幻大師尼爾‧蓋曼最經典作品!2017年,眾神降臨! 「神如果被人遺忘,會怎麼樣?」 「祂們會死。」 影子出獄那天,彷彿走入了另一個地獄。 深愛的妻子死了,而且與他的好友有染;他獲得了自由,但除了自由一無所有。回程路上,影子遇到一個神祕的獨眼老人。老人的名字叫星期三,聲稱自己是神,預言美國將掀起一場神的戰爭。而影子必須擔任他的保鑣,陪他橫越亞美利堅、招兵買馬。 星期三說,百年前,眾神與來自全世界的開墾者一起來到美國。當新移民在這塊大地住下,眾神也期盼在這塊土地獲得新的信徒。然而,隨著時間流逝,人們遺忘舊神、開始有了新的信仰――電視神、科技神、信用卡神。這些新神受到現代人的崇拜,一身光鮮亮麗,舊神卻越發落魄潦倒,成為邊緣「神」。祂們住在殘破的屋中,為了維生而當妓女、做工人、開計程車。當星期三來到祂們的門前,這些神或哀傷、或憤怒、或羞愧地說―― 讓我們面對事實,這塊土地根本不在意我們, 年老諸神啊,這裡是沒有神的新大陸。 新神崛起,舊神衰亡。 這就是美國,眾神墮落的地方。Now a STARZ® Original Series produced by FremantleMedia North America starring Ricky Whittle, Ian McShane, Emily Browning, and Pablo SchreiberLocked behind bars for three years, Shadow did his time, quietly waiting for the day when he could return to Eagle Point, Indiana. A man no longer scared of what tomorrow might bring, all he wanted was to be with Laura, the wife he deeply loved, and start a new life.But just days before his release, Laura and Shadow’s best friend are killed in an accident. With his life in pieces and nothing to keep him tethered, Shadow accepts a job from a beguiling stranger he meets on the way home, an enigmatic man who calls himself Mr. Wednesday. A trickster and a rogue, Wednesday seems to know more about Shadow than Shadow does himself.Life as Wednesday’s bodyguard, driver, and errand boy is far more interesting and dangerous than Shadow ever imagined. Soon Shadow learns that the past never dies . . . and that beneath the placid surface of everyday life a storm is brewing—an epic war for the very soul of America—and that he is standing squarely in its path."