The Monkey And The Monk | 誠品線上

The Monkey And The Monk

商品描述 The Monkey And The Monk:慶祝《西遊記》英譯版面世三十年,原譯者親自精選節錄版!《西遊記》對國人來說已經是耳熟能詳的小說,流傳至世界各國也都受到廣大的喜愛,包括


內容簡介 Anthony C. Yu�s celebrated translation of The Journey to the West reinvigorated one of Chinese literature�s most beloved classics for English-speaking audiences when it first appeared thirty years ago. Yu�s abridgment of his four-volume translation,The Monkey and the Monk, finally distills the epic novel�s most exciting and meaningful episodes without taking anything away from their true spirit.These fantastic episodes recount the adventures of Xuanzang, a seventh-century monk who became one of China�s most illustrious religious heroes after traveling for sixteen years in search of Buddhist scriptures. Powerfully combining religious allegory with humor, fantasy, and satire, accounts of Xuanzang�s journey were passed down for a millennium before culminating in the sixteenth century withThe Journey to the West. Now, readers of The Monkey and the Monk can experience the full force of his lengthy quest as he travels to India with four animal disciples, most significant among them a guardian-monkey known as �the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven.� Moreover, in its newly streamlined form, this acclaimed translation of a seminal work of world literature is sure to attract an entirely new following of students and fans.�A new translation of a major literary text which totally supersedes the best existing version. . . . It establishes beyond contention the position ofThe Journey to the West in world literature, while at the same time throwing open wide the doors to interpretive study on the part of the English audience.��Modern Language Notes, on the unabridged translation


各界推薦 慶祝《西遊記》英譯版面世三十年,原譯者親自精選節錄版! 《西遊記》對國人來說已經是耳熟能詳的小說,流傳至世界各國也都受到廣大的喜愛,包括日本多次改編為電視/電影、動漫畫等等。這個「猴子」陪伴「高僧」花了十六年光陰取經的故事,在三十年前第一次由 Anthony C. Yu 譯為英文出版,這個充滿幻想和的冒險故事就此風靡英文世界的讀者,也曾不只一次改編為電影演出。但原作份量十足,譯為英文本之後也分為四冊出版,造成了許多讀者望之卻步;於是在英譯本出版三十年之際,出版社特邀 Anthony C. Yu 將故事精華節錄為一冊五百八十餘頁的單行本,希望讓西方讀者重新認識這部經典魔幻大作。 在《魔戒》、《哈利波特》等小說掀起魔幻小說風潮時,世人常忘了《西遊記》才是最早也最經典的魔幻小說,書中構築了一個邏輯、時間和宇宙觀都具體完整,充滿各式法術和變化的完美架空世界。對於熟悉《西遊記》的讀者而言,不妨一讀這本節錄西譯版本,了解西人眼中的東方幻想世界、知道如何用英語傳達中文經典作品的精髓。


作者介紹 Anthony C. Yu is the Carl Darling Buck Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in the Humanities at the University of Chicago, where he has held appointments in the Divinity School, in the departments of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, English, and Comparative Literature, and served on the Committee on Social Thought.


書名 / The Monkey And The Monk
作者 /
簡介 / The Monkey And The Monk:慶祝《西遊記》英譯版面世三十年,原譯者親自精選節錄版!《西遊記》對國人來說已經是耳熟能詳的小說,流傳至世界各國也都受到廣大的喜愛,包括
ISBN13 / 9780226971568
ISBN10 / 0226971562
EAN / 9780226971568
誠品26碼 / 2680260845009
頁數 / 528
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無