Unfinished Business: Women Men Work Family | 誠品線上

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作者 安.瑪莉.史勞特
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Unfinished Business: Women Men Work Family:2015年英國金融時報最佳商業書籍推薦強力推薦UnfinishedBusiness。相信讀者閱讀之後,能夠保留作者的希望和樂觀,政府可以改


內容簡介 2015年英國金融時報最佳商業書籍推薦強力推薦Unfinished Business。相信讀者閱讀之後,能夠保留作者的希望和樂觀,政府可以改變觀點和政策,使男女都能夠充分兼顧家庭和工作。──希拉蕊‧柯林頓。Anne-Marie Slaughter美國國務院首位政策規劃女性負責人,現任New America的CEO兼總裁。2012年在《大西洋月刊》刊登Slaughter撰寫的《為何女性依然不能擁有一切》,講述了自己的故事,成為最受歡迎的文章之一。這樣擁有高社經地位的女性,在Unfinished Business一書中,闡述自己當年為何要離開國務院工作,她在職業婦女、母親、妻子三重身分中的選擇與優先順序又是甚麼?究竟對於現代女性而言,甚麼才是她的終身志業?甚麼又是她未竟之業呢?企業和個人又能為男女平等做些什麼?充滿說服力的,發人深省的願景,男性和女性都應該一讀,相信能對自己在工作和家庭之間找到平等,有極大的裨益。A powerful, persuasive, thought-provoking vision for how to finish the long struggle for equality between men and women, work and familyWhen Anne-Marie Slaughter accepted her dream job as the first female director of policy planning at the U.S. State Department in 2009, she was confident she could juggle the demands of her position in Washington, D.C., with the responsibilities of her family life in suburban New Jersey. Her husband and two young sons encouraged her to pursue the job; she had a tremendously supportive boss, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; and she had been moving up on a high-profile career track since law school. But then life intervened. Parenting needs caused her to make a decision to leave the State Department and return to an academic career that gave her more time for her family.The reactions to her choice to leave Washington because of her kids led her to question the feminist narrative she grew up with. Her subsequent article for The Atlantic, “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All,” created a firestorm, sparked intense national debate, and became one of the most-read pieces in the magazine’s history.Since that time, Anne-Marie Slaughter has pushed forward, breaking free of her long-standing assumptions about work, life, and family. Though many solutions have been proposed for how women can continue to break the glass ceiling or rise above the “motherhood penalty,” women at the top and the bottom of the income scale are further and further apart.Now, in her refreshing and forthright voice, Anne-Marie Slaughter returns with her vision for what true equality between men and women really means, and how we can get there. She uncovers the missing piece of the puzzle, presenting a new focus that can reunite the women’s movement and provide a common banner under which both men and women can advance and thrive.With moving personal stories, individual action plans, and a broad outline for change, Anne-Marie Slaughter reveals a future in which all of us can finally finish the business of equality for women and men, work and family.


作者介紹 Anne-Marie Slaughter is president and CEO of New America. She is the Bert G. Kerstetter ’66 University Professor Emerita of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University and the former dean of its Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. In 2009 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appointed Slaughter director of policy planning for the U.S. State Department, the first woman to hold that job. A foreign policy analyst, legal and international relations scholar, and public commentator, Slaughter was a professor at the University of Chicago Law School and Harvard Law School and is a former president of the American Society of International Law.


書名 / Unfinished Business: Women Men Work Family
作者 / 安.瑪莉.史勞特
簡介 / Unfinished Business: Women Men Work Family:2015年英國金融時報最佳商業書籍推薦強力推薦UnfinishedBusiness。相信讀者閱讀之後,能夠保留作者的希望和樂觀,政府可以改
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780812994568
ISBN10 / 0812994566
EAN / 9780812994568
誠品26碼 / 2681205855008
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
