內容簡介 50個最經典的商業經營要訣:所有關於創新,管理和策略的最佳捷徑結合傳統與創新,發現最有效的商業模式及管理思維,一本書就能獲得最佳創意與行銷策略成功的企業家有什麼共通點?什麼特質的人能成為成功經營者?一個成功的點子就能幫助你找到下一個大事件的誕生,卻要花長久的時間篩選數百種商業書籍以獲得靈感。本書將集結各大成功人士的好點子,帶領你重新掌握商業競爭及行銷策略的各面向。擷取經典商業書籍的精髓,例如《我與通用汽車》、麥克・葛伯的《創業這條路》,到新世代的新創科技巨頭必學的商業課程,包括谷歌、蘋果和電商亞馬遜等。當然也少不了經典商業大師的自傳介紹,例如賈伯斯、股神巴菲特,還有創意出版集團企鵝和中國電商巨獸阿里巴巴崛起的精彩故事。內容重點收錄:•創業•領導能力•管理•經營策略•商業發展史•個人發展•科技與創新From Michael Porter to Lazslo Bock, from The Five Dysfunctions of a Team to Creativity Inc., here are the 50 most important titles on organizational and personal success.50 Business Classics presents the key ideas from classic texts such as My Years with General Motors and Michael Gerber's The E-Myth Revisited to contemporary business ideas such as the rise of the tech giants like Google, Apple and Amazon.It contains revealing biographies of luminaries like Steve Jobs and Katherine Graham as well as lesser-known stories including creation of publishing giant Penguin and Chinese behemoth Alibaba.Summarizing the smartest thinking for today's professional success this book will provide inspiration and insights for entrepreneurs, executives and students of business and management alike.
作者介紹 Tom Butler-BowdonTom Butler-Bowdon is the author of seven books including 50 Politics Classics (2015), 50 Philosophy Classics (2013) and 50 Success Classics (2004). Bringing important ideas to a wider audience, his award-winning 50 Classics series has been read by over a million people and is in 23 languages. The 50 Classics concept is based on the idea that every subject or genre will contain at least 50 books that encapsulate its knowledge and wisdom. By creating a list of those landmark titles, then providing commentaries that note the key themes and assess the importance of each work, readers learn about valuable books they may not have discovered otherwise.Tom is a graduate of the London School of Economics (International Political Economy) and the University of Sydney (Government and History). Prior to becoming a writer he was a policy analyst for The Cabinet Office and National Parks Service in Sydney, and worked in a variety of UK businesses. He lives in Oxford, England. Visit his website www.Butler-Bowdon.com