內容簡介 當大家都一窩蜂去念MBA或EMBA課程時,你真的有學到企業經營管理的精髓嗎?《學校沒教的MBA--80分鐘讀完你沒學過的MBA》中所列舉的5個企業經營理關鍵力,真的很重要,但學校老師卻忘了教。本書幫助你2年MBA課程,80分鐘完全搞定!●亞馬遜網路書店5顆星評價!《學校沒教的MBA--80分鐘讀完你沒學過的MBA》榮獲美國最大網路書店「亞馬遜網路書店」網友最高榮譽5顆星推薦!●18歲到80歲完全適用!不論年紀大小、學歷高低,本書讓你用最少的時間,學到最大的企業經營本事。●不懂企業經營,你敢當主管或老闆嗎?《學校沒教的MBA--80分鐘讀完你沒學過的MBA》中所列舉的5個企業經營關鍵力,讓你「迅速提升工作效率」、「立即改善公司體質」、「馬上受到同事歡迎」。●學一次,用一輩子!馬上掌握MBA關鍵價值!利用80分鐘,有效得到2年學習效果。《學校沒教的MBA-80分鐘讀完你沒學過的MBA》讓你80分鐘馬上學會學校有教或沒教的5大企業管理思維,打造扎實MBA,提升職場競爭力!●一定要會的企業經營5大關鍵力!1、經營力:企業開始講究環境與金融的永續性,工商企業的領導人需要新的管理精神,把大部分聚焦在永續生存上,身為領導人或主管如何邁向成功,環境與金融體系的永續經營,都是不容小覷的關鍵。2、領導力:企業經營的核心要素在於,該以何種方式領導企業創造經營高峰,並且明確指出成功的企業領導者的絕對優勢,具備何種技巧能夠安定廣大的企業內部員工,並且能夠針對外在的威脅,以牢不可破的凝聚力迎向事業體的成功。3、文化力:人員是最有價值的生產因素,同時又是最難以有效吸引的一項資產。針對「人力資源」的管理,主要應該藉由企業體本身的文化著手,創造出人員的價值,與企業文化的呈現,巧妙的牽動組織的營運。4、財務力:針對企業經營關鍵-財務報表的理解,對於現金的運用與規劃。現金的範圍涵蓋了財務金融、資產負債表、會計、供應鏈的管理和經濟學,藉由這些專業的經營工具,使得企業在管理上能夠擁有最好的財務保護。5、溝通力:聚焦該如何和市場及顧客們對談?在策略、倫理道德、時間管理、經濟學、統計學以及神經市場行銷(neuromarketing)等方面,提出些小型的模組。●想要進修卻苦無時間?就算取得學位也不保證擁有職場競爭力?《學校沒教的MBA- 80分鐘讀完你沒學過的MBA》擺脫傳統商學院課程的紙上談兵,將經營管理概念與關鍵性議題做重點式篩選整理,讓你能夠即時引用強而有力的手法,發展具創造性的周延思考。●除了經營管理學,本書還告訴你MBA課程沒教的事!培養全新的企業精神,是引領潮流的MBA課程所缺乏的重點。將簡化繁複的企業管理思維,以濃縮的形式呈現,晉升MBA只需要80分鐘,就能掌握新的企業價值,強化商場競爭力。 The fully revised new edition of the international bestsellerTHE 80 MINUTE MBA is your short-cut to business brilliance. A traditional MBA is for either the time-rich, very wealthy or lucky few with a generous corporate sponsor. So what happens if you want to get a hit of high-quality business inspiration without spending two years back at school? THE 80 MINUTE MBA is the gateway to fresh thinking, in less time than it takes a standard meeting to get past coffee and biscuits. The MBA-in-a-box book is old hat. Managers need the encouragement to think differently, not in the same straight lines. THE 80 MINUTE MBA is an injection of inspiration, creative thinking and dynamic approaches which will help you see the world of business differently.Stimulating new material brings this edition right up to date with critical business thinking. Including a new chapter on the platform economy and fresh technology and social media examples this book will energise and inspire you in equal measure.
作者介紹 Richard Reeves is a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington DC. He also teaches at Georgetown University. Before his move to the US 2012, he worked as Director of Strategy to the UK's Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg. Richard's previous roles include Director of Demos, the London-based political think- tank; editor-at-large and columnist for Management Today; Society Editor of The Observer; Economics Correspondent of The Guardian; Research Fellow at the Institute for Public Policy Research. John Knell is one of the UK's leading thinkers on the changing face of work and organizations, and as a strategy consultant works widely across the private, public and third sectors. Over the last ten years John has built an international reputation as a cultural policy analyst, working with governments, funders, cities, and major cultural institutions around the world. He has also been developing the 'Culture Counts' platform (www.culturecounts.cc ) to support the use of the quality metrics that he has helped co-produce with the cultural sector in Australia and the UK. He was previously Director of Research and Advocacy at The Work Foundation, where he played a key role in transforming the organization into an authority on work issues. He has authored numerous reports on work, organizational change and public policy.