內容簡介 艾美獎《絕命毒師》最佳男主角布萊恩‧克蘭斯頓最真實的告白感受天才演員充滿戲劇張力的人生回憶錄《絕命毒師》創作人文斯‧吉利根、普立茲歷史獎得主桃莉絲‧基恩斯‧古德溫、奧斯卡最佳男主角湯姆漢克斯一致好評推薦艾美獎最大贏家《絕命毒師》中的老白再度回歸!這次他以最真實的樣貌,以布萊恩‧克蘭斯頓的角色述說人生歷程。布萊恩以他獨有犀利、睿智、幽默語言挑逗讀者,一同深入他痛苦、親密、風趣卻又令人省思的過往。出生於演員家庭的他,7歲憑藉聯合勸募的廣告首次在電視亮相,成為演員這條路似乎成為他人生最重要的目標,直到父親的不告而別,布萊恩才暫時忘卻自己的夢想。或許潛意識對於父親的不諒解,布萊恩選擇其他職業維生,在偶然與朋友以摩托車壯遊的旅程中,意外讀到《海達‧高布樂》劇作,因而再度燃起他成為演員的熱誠。這本充滿心路歷程的自傳書中,布萊恩述說他慘淡的童年生活及曲折的演藝生涯,在演過無數角色,又是什麼樣的契機讓他有機會演出《絕命毒師》中,一位好好先生的化學老師轉換為人人憎恨的大毒梟。 Bryan Cranston landed his first role at seven, when his father, a struggling actor and director, cast him in a commercial. Soon, Bryan was haunting the local movie theater, reenacting scenes with his older brother. Acting was clearly his destiny - until one day his father disappeared. As a young man on a classic cross-country motorcycle trip, he found himself stranded at a rest area in the Blue Ridge Mountains. To pass the time he read a tattered copy of Hedda Gabler, and in a flash he found himself face-to-face with his original calling. Suddenly he thought: this was what he would do with the rest of his life. Act.In his riveting memoir, A LIFE IN PARTS, Cranston traces his journey from chaotic childhood to his dramatic epiphany, to mega-stardom and a cult-like following, by revisiting the many parts he's played, on camera (astronaut, dentist, candy bar spokesperson, President of the US, etc.) and off (paperboy, farmhand, dating consultant, murder suspect, son, brother, lover, husband, father). With great humour and humility, Cranston chronicles his unlikely rise from a soap opera regular to a recurring spot on SEINFELD. He recalls his run as the well-meaning goofball, Hal, on MALCOLM IN THE MIDDLE and he gives a bracing account of his challenging run on Broadway as President Lyndon Johnson, pushing himself to the limit as he prepared for a tour de force that would win him a Tony to accompany his four Emmys. And of course, Cranston dives deep into the grittiest, most fascinating details of his greatest role, explaining how he searched inward for the personal darkness that would help him create one of the most riveting performances ever captured on screen: Walter White, chemistry teacher turned drug kingpin in BREAKING BAD.Discussing his failures as few men do, describing his work as few actors can, Cranston has much to say about innate talent, its benefits, challenges, and proper maintenance, but ultimately A LIFE IN PARTS is about the necessity and transformative power of hard work.