The Choice | 誠品線上

The Choice

作者 Edith Eger
商品描述 The Choice:【比爾‧蓋茲2020夏季選書】著名心理學家EdithEvaEger強有力且動人的回憶錄,它也是通向精神治癒之路的實用指引。作為猶太大屠殺的倖存者,Eger博士藉由自身的


內容簡介 比爾 ‧ 蓋茲2020夏季選書TOP5著名心理學家Edith Eva Eger強有力且動人的回憶錄,它也是通向精神治癒之路的實用指引。作為猶太大屠殺的倖存者,Eger博士藉由自身的經驗治癒她的病患們,並且幫助他們逃離心靈的牢籠。「Edith Eva Eger醫師是我的英雄,她在無法言說的恐怖與殘酷中活了下來,不願被痛苦的過去所摧毀,她選擇將痛苦轉變成一個強有力的恩賜,一個她用來幫助他人痊癒的恩賜。」-《玻璃城堡》作者珍奈特.沃爾斯(Jeannette Walls)Edith Eger曾經是個體操運動員與芭蕾舞者,16歲的時候,全家人被德國納粹從匈牙利運至奧斯維茲集中營。惡名昭彰的門格勒醫師將她的父母送往毒氣室,並且要求Edith跟著《藍色多瑙河》的樂音跳舞,除了逃過死劫,門格勒還送給她一條麵包作為獎賞。Edith將麵包與獄友們分享,她的善意使得獄友們在日後救了她一命。Edith姊妹逃過了奧斯維茲大屠殺,被輾轉送到奧地利,努力地存活到美軍解放集中營。當時,Edith在一堆屍體中被發現時已奄奄一息。Edith僥倖地逃過了大屠殺,儘管集中營的恐怖歷歷在目,她卻選擇原諒追捕者,並且在日常生活中找到喜樂。戰後重返校園拿到心理學學位後,她結合了個人的創傷經驗與臨床知識,幫助那些經歷大大小小痛苦的人們,心理諮詢的對象包括飽受創傷後遺症之苦的老兵、受虐的婦女...等等,Edith幫助他們選擇原諒,找回復原力,並且繼續往前行。本書交織著Edith個人的故事與她在心理學工作上的案例,描繪出心理治癒的不同階段,並且展現人們如何逃離自己築起的心靈牢獄,然後找到自由的過程。THE AWARDWINNING INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER 'Eger's remarkable spirit shines through in every word' Stylist In 1944, sixteen-year-old Edith Eger was sent to Auschwitz. There she endured unimaginable experiences, including being made to dance for the infamous Josef Mengele. Over the coming months, her bravery helped her sister to survive and led to her bunkmates rescuing her during a death march. When their camp was finally liberated, Edith was pulled from a pile of bodies, barely alive. In The Choice, Edith Eger shares her life, remarkable because her years in the concentration camp encouraged her to find a hope and resilience that most of us would never think was possible. It wasn't easy but, as she tried to find a future for herself after the Second World War, partly by helping many others through their own versions of trauma, she discovered an honesty, strength and empowerment within herself that makes for a memorable and inspiring read. Compelling, truly remarkable, and ultimately triumphant, The Choice is the unforgettable memoir of a woman who has seen the worst and lived the best.


作者介紹 Edith Eger A native of Hungary, Edith Eger was a teenager in 1944 when she and her family were sent to Auschwitz during the Second World War. Despite overwhelming odds, Edith survived the Holocaust and moved with her husband to the United States. Having worked in a factory whilst raising her young family, she went on to graduate with a PhD from the University of Texas and became an eminent psychologist. Today, she maintains a busy clinical practice and lectures around the world.


書名 / The Choice
作者 / Edith Eger
簡介 / The Choice:【比爾‧蓋茲2020夏季選書】著名心理學家EdithEvaEger強有力且動人的回憶錄,它也是通向精神治癒之路的實用指引。作為猶太大屠殺的倖存者,Eger博士藉由自身的
ISBN13 / 9781846045127
ISBN10 / 1846045126
EAN / 9781846045127
誠品26碼 / 2681579579005
頁數 / 400
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 12.6X19.8CM
級別 / N:無