Walt Whitman's Guide to Manly Health and Training | 誠品線上

Walt Whitman's Guide to Manly Health and Training

作者 Walt Whitman
商品描述 Walt Whitman's Guide to Manly Health and Training:1858年,美國詩人惠特曼以筆名MoseVelsor在《紐約地圖集》(NewYorkAtlas)的報刊專欄發表了關於〈男性健康與訓練〉的


內容簡介 1858年,美國詩人惠特曼以筆名Mose Velsor在《紐約地圖集》(New York Atlas)的報刊專欄發表了關於〈男性健康與訓練〉的文章,封塵了150年之後,終於重見天日。在這篇專欄裡,惠特曼鼓勵你旅行,因為不斷變換的景致,不同的人際關係,不同的旅伴與習慣,對你的健康最有幫助,而旅行帶來的改變,也會提升、增長你的道德觀與知識。這本精緻的小書包含了詩人在飲食、健身、打扮、飲酒、運動、跳舞還有其他主題的建議,75篇關於健康生活的金句妙語,以惠特曼典型的抒情散文風格展現,搭配清新整潔的插圖,呈現給21世紀的讀著們。如果你鎮日不動導致四肢鬆軟而疲憊,夜晚狂歡讓你頭痛欲裂,朝九晚五使你精神萎靡,該怎麼辦?拿起這本書吧!它有讓你重返青春健康與幸福的指南與策略。TO YOU, IDLER. UP!Though your limbs may be corpulent and weary from your sedentary repose, your head a-thunder from an evening of indulgence, your spirit weary from the wretched nine-to-five – fret not, dear man, for within these pages are strategies to replenish and rejuvenate your manly health and well-being.Heed not those who would have you join a house of muscled exertion and toss your technological flim-flam into the long grass. Attend instead to the most gentlemanly of guides, esteemed man of letters Walt Whitman, who will advise on the most vital qualities of health and training for fellows of all ages and inclinations.Undiscovered and unutilized for more than 150 years, here are the choice extracts from Mr Whitman’s manifesto, which will provide you with a complete and exact science of manly virtue and vigour.


書名 / Walt Whitman's Guide to Manly Health and Training
作者 / Walt Whitman
簡介 / Walt Whitman's Guide to Manly Health and Training:1858年,美國詩人惠特曼以筆名MoseVelsor在《紐約地圖集》(NewYorkAtlas)的報刊專欄發表了關於〈男性健康與訓練〉的
ISBN13 / 9780752266329
ISBN10 / 0752266322
EAN / 9780752266329
誠品26碼 / 2681429980005
頁數 / 128
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 16.7X11.2CM
級別 / N:無
