內容簡介 《PS,我愛妳》續集。當一群「PS,我愛妳俱樂部」的人找上荷莉,請求她幫忙時,好不容易建立的安全網逐漸瓦解,她努力放下的過去,又慢慢地回到她心裡…。傑瑞過世已經七年,離荷莉收到他最後一封信也已有六年的時間,是時候展開新生活了。這些年來她自豪於成長與改變,但是一群受到傑瑞信件啟發而組成「PS,我愛妳俱樂部」的人們卻上門請求幫忙,希望在他們離世之後,荷莉能夠幫助他們所愛之人,找到他們留下的離別信息。「我們急需妳的幫助,荷莉。我們腸枯思竭,我們沒有多少時間了…」荷莉勉為其難地開始了與俱樂部的關係,即使他們之間的友誼可能會破壞荷莉以為已經獲得的平靜。當俱樂部的人分別上門,請荷莉為他們所愛之人留下有意義的事物時,她將開啟一段奇妙的旅程,逼著她自問,擁抱未來是否就得背叛過去?永遠愛著某個人的意義到底是什麼…。It's been seven years since Holly Kennedy's husband died – six since she read his final letter, urging Holly to find the courage to forge a new life. She's proud of all the ways in which she has grown and evolved. But when a group inspired by Gerry's letters, calling themselves the PS, I Love You Club, approaches Holly asking for help, she finds herself drawn back into a world that she worked so hard to leave behind. Reluctantly, Holly beings a relationship with the club, even as their friendship threatens to destroy the peace she believes she has achieved. As each of these people calls upon Holly to help them leave something meaningful behind for their loved ones, Holly will embark on a remarkable journey – one that will challenge her to ask whether embracing the future means betraying the past, and what it means to love someone forever…