Talking to My Daughter about the Economy: A Brief History of Capitalism | 誠品線上

Talking to My Daughter about the Economy: A Brief History of Capitalism

作者 Yanis Varoufakis
商品描述 Talking to My Daughter about the Economy: A Brief History of Capitalism:你會如何定義金錢?為什麼會有債務存在?財富與貧富不均又是從何而來?為什麼經濟學可以造就


內容簡介 希臘前財政部長雅尼斯.瓦魯法克斯(Yanis Varoufakis)以清晰、生動的故事,為青少年解說何為經濟學,是適合一般讀者閱讀的經濟學入門書。「他以一種有趣的風格,寫作出氣勢十足的作品。」-《泰晤士報文學增刊》(The Times Literary Supplement「歐洲反撙節起義的搖滾新星。」-《英國電訊報》(Telegraph)你會如何定義金錢?為什麼會有債務存在?財富與貧富不均又是從何而來?為什麼經濟學可以造就我們的生活,也可以毀掉我們的人生?對瓦魯法克斯來說,經濟學不是一門專業技術的科學,它是一部史詩劇:是一處充斥著各種理念的戰場,各種有權勢的人為了效忠某種團體或想法所引發的戰爭。作者利用發生在他身上的故事以及著名的神話、小說與電影,來解釋何謂經濟。從《伊底帕斯》與《浮士德》到《科學怪人》與《駭客任務》,經濟學的各種戲碼就發生在這些故事裡,它如何宰制人類社會的命運?我們有可能改善這種情況嗎?In this letter to his teenage daughter, one of the world’s most famous economists uses vivid stories to explain what economics is and why it is so dangerous.What is money and why does debt exist? Where do wealth and inequality come from? How come economics has the power to shape and destroy our lives?Economics is not a technical science, it is an epic drama: a battleground of ideas, a war between the powerful for our allegiance. In this universally accessible book, Yanis Varoufakis describes how this drama first emerged and has since come to dominate the fate of human societies worldwide. In answering all of the big questions about money and debt, power and inequality, he shows how economics has sought to solve the problems of our world but ended up being a major cause of many of them.Drawing on history and literature, science fiction and personal memories, this intimate and inspiring book shines a light for readers of all ages on some of the most bewildering questions and important challenges that humanity faces.


作者介紹 Yanis Varoufakis雅尼斯.瓦魯法克斯(Yanis Varoufakis)是希臘前財政部長,也是數本國際暢銷書的作者。1961年出生於雅典,在進入希臘政府部門工作前,曾經在英國、澳洲與美國教授經濟學,目前是雅典大學的經濟學教授,也是國際草根運動DiEM25的共同發起人,主要在鼓吹歐洲民主的復甦。


書名 / Talking to My Daughter about the Economy: A Brief History of Capitalism
作者 / Yanis Varoufakis
簡介 / Talking to My Daughter about the Economy: A Brief History of Capitalism:你會如何定義金錢?為什麼會有債務存在?財富與貧富不均又是從何而來?為什麼經濟學可以造就
ISBN13 / 9781847924421
ISBN10 / 1847924425
EAN / 9781847924421
誠品26碼 / 2681462331000
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.6X13.5CM
級別 / N:無
