內容簡介 經典科幻電影《沙丘》(沙丘魔堡)全球熱銷原著小說!多國亞馬遜網路書店★★★★推薦媲美魔戒的壯闊史詩,超越星際大戰的飛馳想像美國科奇幻作家協會名人堂大師經典作品多次改編成影視作品與電腦遊戲啟發《星際大戰》、《時光之輪》等無數名作銀河雜誌權力帶來必然的腐敗?獲獎無數的《沙丘系列》第二集,沙丘星再掀波瀾!遠古地球,希特勒,世界大戰,死亡六百萬人宇宙,保羅穆哈迪,沙丘聖戰,死亡六百一十億人十二年前,保羅.亞崔迪帶領沙丘行星原住民,對抗帝國的鐵甲部隊;十二年後,以保羅之名發動的聖戰橫掃宇宙,他不得不扮演民心歸依的「救世主」與「皇帝」,手握權力的同時,身邊卻小人環伺,過去的信念遭到扭曲,困難也紛沓而來。為了維繫帝國權力,他和公主保有名存實亡的婚姻,心愛的姬妾將為他生下繼承人之際,保羅透過香料迷霧預見未來,卻只見月亮墜落,這可是厄運的徵兆?而戰爭失利的各方勢力,也正聯合準備對付亞崔迪家族,陰謀、背叛、愛恨、生死……在這一刻匯聚到最高點!宇宙的樞紐正是沙丘星,身為救世主的他,該如何抓住百萬分之一的機會,帶領宇宙航向免於毀滅的道路?而作為一個凡人,保羅自己又能否擺脫預言宿命,拯救自己最愛的人?經典「沙丘系列」第二集,宇宙的命運正待揭曉!迥異於一般科幻小說……只有魔戒可以媲美。──亞瑟.克拉克 (2001太空漫遊、拉瑪任務作者)極強的感染力,情節令人信服,絕對天才的創意。──海萊因 (夏之門、銀河公民作者)科幻小說史上的里程碑。──芝加哥論壇報對異星社會深入全面的描寫,無其他同領域作者可及……動作場景和哲學意含同樣引人入勝……令人震驚的科幻奇蹟。──華盛頓郵報沙丘是科幻中的魔戒。──圖書館學刊Twelve years after his victory over House Harkonnen, Paul Atreides rules as emperor from the desert planet Arrakis - but his victory has had profound consequences. War has been brought to the entire known universe, and billions have already perished. Despite having become the most powerful emperor known to history, Paul is powerless to bring an end to the fighting.While former allies conspire to dethrone Paul and even his own consort acts against him, Paul accepts a gift from the Tleilaxu, a guild of genetic manipulators, hoping to find a single spark of peace and friendship amidst the betrayal and chaos. But this act undermines Paul's support from the Fremen, his own people. The Fremen are the true source of Paul's power; losing them is the one thing that could truly topple his empire.As matters escalate, Paul will be forced to chose between his throne, his wife, his people and his future - and the future of the entire universe.An epic novel of the cost of victory... and the price of war.Brilliant...it is all that Dune was, and maybe a little more.-- Galaxy Magazine"