No Hard Feelings: Emotions at Work (and How They Help Us Succeed) | 誠品線上

我工作, 我沒有不開心: 對人對事不上心也是一種職場優勢

作者 莉茲.佛斯蓮/ 莫莉.威斯特.杜菲
商品描述 No Hard Feelings: Emotions at Work (and How They Help Us Succeed):Avisualexplorationofhowtoembraceemotionatworkandbecomemoreauthenticandfulfilledwhilestayingpr


內容簡介 《華爾街日報》最佳暢銷冠軍 Next Big Idea Club系列精選,由暢銷作家Malcolm Gladwell、Susan Cain 及個人事業發展專家Dan Pink一致好評推薦本季必讀首選 職場情緒控制指南,有效控制職場情緒力,重新定義工作與生活的平衡 該如何阻止惱人的職場關係破壞你美好的一天?如何讓瘋狂發不停的郵件不要打亂你的休假日?身為老闆的你,又該如何友善拒絕過於熱情的員工關注你的私人生活? 現代職場就像是個情緒地雷區,充滿混亂的權力結構和不成文的潛規則。每個人都希望能在職場呈現自己最真實的一面,卻又不能過於真實;表現專業卻又不能太拘謹,友善但不能過度大愛,這些老生常談都是說比做的容易。身為職場中的一員,我們都非常清楚在工作中體驗到不舒服的情緒是什麼感覺,包括輕微的忌妒心、不安全感、恐懼甚至憤怒。忽視或壓抑你的情緒會傷害健康和降低生產力,但不壓抑自我則會讓你顯得瘋狂。 本書的目標在於指導職場的各位如何搞清楚哪些情緒可宣洩,哪些情緒可表達或是隱藏: * 選擇性的脆弱:對自我坦承相待,不要讓你內心深層的問題成為他人的負擔。 *記住當下的感受不是真實的:人們經常說出不是內心所想的話,在面對衝突和溝通不良時,試著談談你的情緒而不是選擇情緒激動。 *減少對工作的熱情:偶爾讓自己放鬆一下能讓自己更健康及提升專注力。A visual exploration of how to embrace emotion at work and become more authentic and fulfilled while staying professional.When it comes to emotions at work, there's rarely a happy medium. In some offices, your boss might send snaps of her weekend getaway in Vegas, or your coworker might send twenty texts about how Susan ate his clearly labeled lunch...again. Other offices are buttoned-up emotional deserts, where crying is only allowed in the bathroom and you suspect your coworkers might be robots. Either extreme hurts employee health and productivity.Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy take a charming and deeply researched look at how emotions affect our professional lives and how we can navigate emotions at work. The modern workplace can be an emotional minefield (Do I shake my boss's hand or give her a hug? Did I forget to mute my phone on the conference call?) filled with unwritten rules. As our jobs become more collaborative, complex, and stressful, effectively embracing emotion is more important than ever.The book combines practical advice and scientific research to give you the tools you need. A sample:●Forget "unemotional" decisions; there are none. In fact, rational decisions require you to acknowledge and examine your emotions. For instance, fear often indicates anticipated future regret.●Real, valuable feedback is not going to feel like a gift. Realize that negative feedback often means the criticizer cares about helping you improve and is willing to bear the awkwardness of a difficult conversation.●Stop letting someone else's bad mood ruin your day. Emotions are viral-- we catch the feelings of those around us. If you're stuck next to a constant complainer, mentally remove yourself from the situation.●Learn to communicate and interpret digital messages. That "totally normal" email you sent may be seen as hostile because you didn't explicitly state your positive emotions (e.g., "I love what you did here!").Thanks to Fosslien's sharply funny two-color illustrations, No Hard Feelings is a romp through behavioral economics, psychology, and organizational design.


作者介紹 莉茲.佛斯蓮 莫莉.威斯特.杜菲


書名 / No Hard Feelings: Emotions at Work (and How They Help Us Succeed)
作者 / 莉茲.佛斯蓮 莫莉.威斯特.杜菲
簡介 / No Hard Feelings: Emotions at Work (and How They Help Us Succeed):Avisualexplorationofhowtoembraceemotionatworkandbecomemoreauthenticandfulfilledwhilestayingpr
ISBN13 / 9780241328705
ISBN10 / 0241328705
EAN / 9780241328705
誠品26碼 / 2681689013000
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X2.4CM
級別 / N:無
