內容簡介 放慢腳步、享受生命,連最微小的時刻都可能很美好★ 2015年最美麗的繪本、暢銷作《小狐狸與星星》作者柯洛莉.畢克佛史密斯最新作品!獲獎無數的英國企鵝出版集團御用美術設計.布精裝經典文學系列、企鵝百年出版計畫多本經典英文小說封面皆出自她手在地表深處,蟲日日夜夜不停地鑽,想像著擁有更好的生活。即使他身邊有無止盡的土、擁有其他夥伴,也有等著他去發掘的寶藏,他卻希望能擁有更多自己的空間。他過於忙碌,以致於無法好好欣賞周遭的世界,推開一切,卻發現珍惜自己所擁有的一切才是最重要的……另一方面,不管風和日麗或颳風下雨,鳥都在天空中不斷等待……蟲與鳥能找到他們所尋求的事物嗎?本書靈感來自古羅馬哲學家賽內卡的〈論生命之短暫〉(On the Shortness of Life):「但對於那些遺忘過去、忽略現在與畏懼未來者,生命非常短暫且令人焦慮。」圍繞希望、好奇心與生命循環的主題,借自然界的智慧,告訴讀者放慢腳步、享受生命的重要性,連最微小的時刻都可能很美好。《The Worm and the Bird》為義大利印刷的線裝繪本,布裝封面採用彩箔燙印技術,搭配金屬油墨與高級紙質,可獨立閱讀,也可搭配《小狐狸與星星》一起享受,是老少咸宜的繪本,不管是喜愛寓言與童話故事的讀者、賞鳥人或設計愛好者,抑或是尋求心靈平靜的讀者,都能在本書中獲得滿足。 From the award-winning illustrator and author of The Fox and the Star, Coralie Bickford-Smith, a beautifully illustrated tale about a Worm, a Bird, and the importance of being present and appreciating what you have, where you are.Digging through the ground day in and day out, Worm dreams of a better life. Despite having endless paths of dirt to plough, other burrowing creatures to befriend, and underground treasures to discover, Worm wants more—more space to be alone. Too busy to see the world around it, pushing everything aside, Worm learns a hard lesson in appreciating what you have and where you are. This beautifully illustrated tale by award-winning author and illustrator Coralie Bickford-Smith explores themes of hope, curiosity, and the circle of life. Taking inspiration from Seneca’s essay “On the Shortness of Life,” which reads “But life is very short and anxious for those who forget the past, neglect the present and fear the future,” and drawing from the simple wisdom of the natural world, Bickford-Smith reminds readers about the importance of slowing down and engaging in the life around us.Printed in Italy, with a foil-stamped cloth cover, sewn binding, metallic inks, and high-quality paper, Bickford-Smith's new illustrated book is for readers of all ages of fables and fairy tales, from gardeners to bird-watchers to design lovers, and for those seeking mindfulness.—and it will be a great companion volume to her first book, The Fox and the Star, named Waterstones Book of the Year in 2015.
作者介紹 Coralie Bickford-Smith柯洛莉.畢克佛史密斯(Coralie Bickford-Smith)是英國企鵝出版集團御用美術設計,她設計的封面曾榮獲美國平面藝術學會(American Institute of Graphic Arts)和英國DAD(Design Advertising)獎項,並多次獲國際性的報章和雜誌讚譽,包括《紐約時報》、《Vogue》和《衛報》等。企鵝出版集團的布精裝經典文學系列(Clothbound classics)就是出自她的設計,充滿維多利亞時代的裝幀風格受到全球讀者收藏;企鵝百年出版計畫中,福爾摩斯、費茲傑羅以及許多經典英文小說的封面也都是她的作品。她也曾應邀到英國、瑞典、德國、葡萄牙和美國等地舉行作品展覽和演講,著有《小狐狸與星星》,《The Worm and the Bird》是她的第二部作品。