內容簡介 暢銷書《甩掉劈腿男》與Strictly Between Us作者Jane Fallon最新小說,訴說一個苦樂參半的故事,其中飽含激憤的情緒、不忠與報復。小心你背後…「Jane Fallon帶給我們另一本關於友誼、欺瞞與戲劇的小說,她最擅長製造緊張與爆笑的場面,絕對值得介紹給妳的姊妹淘。」--OK雜誌我要丈夫回頭,與我墜入情網。事情是這樣的,這並不是1950年代的黃臉婆復仇記,我從來沒讀過老舊雜誌上的文章,那個什麼〈留住丈夫的20種方法〉簡直是鬼扯!我要他回頭與我墜入情網,如此這般,在我跟他說滾出我生活時,他才會在意,而不是想著”好啊!”。他們過去是戲劇班的學生,當Paula挽回Robert之後她放棄夢想,而他達成了夢想現在,他是這個國家最知名的演員之一而Paula發現他有了小三她要提醒Robert他將會失去什麼她會粉碎他的心,一如他對她所做的那樣這將是她這一生最重要的一次表演復仇是甜蜜的不是嗎?I want to make my husband fall back in love with me.Let me explain. This isn't an exercise in 1950s wifeydom. I haven't been reading articles in old women's magazines. 'Twenty ways to keep your man'. That couldn't be further from the truth.I want him to fall back in love with me so that when I tell him to get the hell out of my life he'll care. He won't just think, 'Oh good'.I want it to hurt.Paula has had Robert's back since they got together as drama students.She gave up her dreams so he could make it.Now he's one of the nation's most popular actors.And Paula's just discovered he's having an affair.She's going to remind Robert just what he's sacrificing.And then she's going to break his heart like he broke hers.It will be her greatest acting role ever.Revenge is sweet.Isn't it?"