Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality | 誠品線上

Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality

作者 Max Tegmark
商品描述 Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality:本書作者MaxTegmark被喻為是最接近理察.費曼(RichardFeynman)的科學家,以數學來解釋宇宙的起


內容簡介 本書作者Max Tegmark被喻為是最接近理察.費曼(Richard Feynman)的科學家,以數學來解釋宇宙的起源、人類為何在此,是一本極具原創性的科學著作。「Our Mathematical Universe真是棒極了,論述精彩、行文優美,刺激我們思考關於我們為何存在的這個最大的奧秘。」--《紐約時報》(New York Times)「Max Tegmark是目前我們所擁有的最接近理查.費曼的科學家…,他在本書的洞見與結論讓人驚訝,瘋狂到可能真是如此。」--《BBC焦點》雜誌本書作者Max Tegmark是目前最具原創性的物理學家之一,他用這本書帶領我們經歷一趟神奇之旅,探索由宇宙學揭開的奧祕,並且發現事實真相的本質。結合了宇宙史與知性的冒險,本書從宇宙大爆炸一直說到平行世界,橫跨了每一種可能的規模大小,從次原子到星際之間,本書告訴我們,為何可以用數學來解答”為何我們在此”的問題。Tegmark用清晰的文筆,最先進、震撼人心的物理學理論來思考這些問題。想知道最新的物理學研究現況?如何用數學來解釋我們存在的世界?本書提供了一個清楚且最佳的管道。In Our Mathematical Universe, Max Tegmark, one of the most original physicists at work today, leads us on an astonishing journey to explore the mysteries uncovered by cosmology and to discover the nature of realityPart-history of the cosmos, part-intellectual adventure, Our Mathematical Universe travels from the Big Bang to the distant future via parallel worlds, across every possible scale - from the sub-atomic to the intergalactic - showing how mathematics provides the answers to our questions about the world. Where do we come from? What makes the universe the way it is? In essence, why are we here? With dazzling clarity, Max Tegmark ponders these deep mysteries and allows us to grasp the most cutting-edge and mind-boggling theories of physics. What he proposes is an elegant and fascinating idea: that our physical world not only is described by mathematics, but that it is mathematics.'Our Mathematical Universe is nothing if not impressive. Brilliantly argued and beautifully written, it is never less than thought-provoking about the greatest mysteries of our existence' - New York Times'An amazing ride through the rich landscape of contemporary cosmology... Physics could do with more characters like Tegmark... an imaginative intellect and a charismatic presence' - Clive Cookson, Financial TimesMax Tegmark is author or co-author of more than 200 technical papers, twelve of which have been cited more than 500 times. He has featured in dozens of science documentaries, and his work with the SDSS collaboration on galaxy clustering shared the first prize in Science magazine's "Breakthrough of the Year: 2003". He holds a Ph.D from the University of California, Berkeley, and is a physics professor at MIT.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介Max Tegmark超過200篇科技論文的作者或共同作者,其中12篇曾經被引述500次以上,超過數十次出現在科學紀錄片中,他與SDSS(The Sloan Digital Sky Survey)合作關於星系團(Galaxy Clustering)的研究獲得了《科學》(Science)雜誌”2003年度突破獎”第一名。他是加州大學柏克萊分校博士,目前是麻省理工學院物理系教授。


書名 / Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality
作者 / Max Tegmark
簡介 / Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality:本書作者MaxTegmark被喻為是最接近理察.費曼(RichardFeynman)的科學家,以數學來解釋宇宙的起
ISBN13 / 9780241954638
ISBN10 / 0241954630
EAN / 9780241954638
誠品26碼 / 2681337761000
頁數 / 432
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9CM
級別 / N:無
