The Road to Character | 誠品線上

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作者 大衛.布魯克斯
商品描述 The Road to Character:創造BOBO族名詞的紐約時報暢銷作家DavidBrooks,用他一貫的智慧、幽默、好奇心的筆觸,一如往常,帶給紐約時報專欄數以百萬計的讀者一個犀利且嶄新


內容簡介 紐約時報暢銷書冠軍。從心理學、政治、到精神懺悔,作者提供了一個讓讀者重新思考生命,並努力以謙卑的態度,來深度豐富的內心生活。讓人大開眼界的內容。—USA Today字字珠璣,邊辟入裡,讓人難以忘懷,彷彿深入皮膚底下。—The Guardian (U.K.)創造BOBO族名詞的紐約時報暢銷作家David Brooks,用他一貫的智慧、幽默、好奇心的筆觸,一如往常,帶給紐約時報專欄數以百萬計的讀者一個犀利且嶄新的見解,從第一篇章節Shift便不難看出他的中心價值:謙卑。他以美國人民容易自我中心為例,建議讀者,唯有更謙卑的生活態度才能提升自己,畢竟,每個人都有扭曲的內在,人性與身俱來的曲木個性,不能依照一個標準範式的藍圖來塑造人類社會。他也書中不斷強調,我們必須要跳出把人視為會對經濟刺激作出反應的理性機器的思維框框,他強調應該回歸生活更深層的價值,回應大我,重新平衡我們的履歷上不斷強調的誠就、財富、名望,和地位,更要重視的是那些在我們生命存在的核心:善良、勇敢、誠實、忠誠。In The Road to Character David Brooks, best-selling author of The Social Animal and New York Times columnist, explains why selflessness leads to greater successWe all possess two natures. One focuses on external success: wealth, fame, status and a great career. The other aims for internal goodness, driven by a spiritual urge not only to do good but to be good - honest, loving and steadfast. The inner self doesn't seek happiness superficially defined; it seeks emotional commitments without counting the cost, and a deeper moral joy. Individuals and societies thrive when a general balance is struck between these two imperatives, but we live in a culture that encourages us to think about the external side of our natures rather than the inner self. We hanker for praise instead of following our hearts, and we self-promote rather than confront our weaknesses.In this urgent and eye-opening book, David Brooks asks us to confront the meaning of true fulfilment. A famous columnist for The New York Times and best-selling author, Brooks found himself living in a shallow mode. For years, he remained focused on getting ahead and reaping the rewards for his efforts, placing his career before his character. Finding himself at a crossroads, Brooks sought out men and women who embodied the moral courage he longed to experience. Citing an array of history's greatest thinkers and leaders - from St. Augustine and George Eliot to Dwight Eisenhower and Samuel Johnson - he traces how they were able to face their weaknesses and transcend their flaws. Each one of them chose to embrace one simple but counterintuitive truth: in order to fulfil yourself, you must learn how to forget yourself.An elegant interweaving of politics, spirituality and psychology, The Road to Character proves that it is how we want to be remembered - and not what we put on our CVs - that truly matters.


書名 / The Road to Character
作者 / 大衛.布魯克斯
簡介 / The Road to Character:創造BOBO族名詞的紐約時報暢銷作家DavidBrooks,用他一貫的智慧、幽默、好奇心的筆觸,一如往常,帶給紐約時報專欄數以百萬計的讀者一個犀利且嶄新
ISBN13 / 9780241186725
ISBN10 / 0241186722
EAN / 9780241186725
誠品26碼 / 2681045222008
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3CM
級別 / N:無
