內容簡介 想學習德文片語嗎?在德語系國家旅遊時總是為了片語感到棘手嗎?來看看這本口袋書吧!它將是您旅遊時的最佳幫手!本書內含各種類型的片語,包括商業、問候語、各種交通方式、交通工具、地標、旅遊娛樂的實用片語及發音、字彙、正反義和基本文法介紹。此外還有教您縮寫、住宿訂房等有關食衣住行育樂的一切,內容包羅萬象,提供最實用的片語。本書為知名的企鵝出版社為各國片語所出版的一系列叢書,目前有法語、德語、義大利語和西班牙語,其封面經過特殊設計,以精緻可愛的插畫風格呈現,隨著語言不同,封面也有不同的素材,如這本德語就使用布蘭登堡門、啤酒、汽車和新天鵝堡作為設計元素,而其口袋書的設計,讓您在旅遊過程中方便攜帶,成為您在語言上的絕佳幫手!
作者介紹 Jill Norman speaks several languages and has travelled widely. Jill also created the Penguin Cookery Library in the 1960s and 1970s, bringing many first-class authors to the list. She has since become a Glenfiddich Trophy winner in her own right, and is a leading authority on the use of herbs and spices. She is the literary trustee of the Elizabeth David estate, and worked with Mrs David for many years.