We Need to Talk About Putin | 誠品線上

We Need to Talk About Putin

作者 Mark Galeotti
商品描述 We Need to Talk About Putin:英國俄羅斯問題專家馬克‧加里奧蒂精闢剖析西方世界如何誤解普丁強權與勢力透過俄羅斯問題專家馬克‧加里奧蒂認識全球最危險的男子,佛拉迪


內容簡介 英國俄羅斯問題專家馬克‧加里奧蒂精闢剖析西方世界如何誤解普丁強權與勢力透過俄羅斯問題專家馬克‧加里奧蒂認識全球最危險的男子,佛拉迪米爾‧普丁到底是何方神聖?他到底想要什麼?又將對全球局勢如何出招?儘管市面上有超過無數的書籍描述普丁統治下的俄羅斯,西方世界仍無法真正理解這位全球最強大的政治家,普丁的影響力遍佈全球,其權力網絡甚至觸及我們日常的生活核心。這本真正了解普丁的入門書籍揭露普丁神化的背後真實故事,解開一般大眾對普丁的錯誤觀念,解析如何破解他真正動機及下一步行動。內容從普丁在俄羅斯國家安全委員會任職的早期生活,他與美國政府的真實關係,再到他對俄羅斯及全世界未來的願景,收錄新俄羅斯政權的相關資訊和從未發表的報導,為全球政治核心人物提供無與倫比的全新視野,重新發現不同過往的俄羅斯狂人。 Meet the world's most dangerous man.Who is the real Vladimir Putin? What does he want? And what will he do next?Despite the millions of words written on Putin's Russia, the West still fails to truly understand one of the world's most powerful politicians, whose influence spans the globe and whose networks of power reach into the very heart of our daily lives.In this essential primer, Professor Mark Galeotti uncovers the man behind the myth, addressing the key misperceptions of Putin and explaining how we can decipher his motivations and next moves. From Putin’s early life in the KGB and his real relationship with the USA to his vision for the future of Russia - and the world – Galeotti draws on new Russian sources and explosive unpublished accounts to give unparalleled insight into the man at the heart of global politics.


作者介紹 Professor Mark Galeotti is one of the foremost Russia-watchers today, who travels there regularly to teach, lecture, talk to his contacts, and generally watch the unfolding story of the Putin era. Based in London, he is Senior Non-Resident Fellow at the Institute of International Relations Prague, having previously headed its Centre for European Security, and was before then Professor of Global Affairs at NYU. A prolific author on Russia and security affairs, he frequently acts as consultant to various government, commercial and law-enforcement agencies.


書名 / We Need to Talk About Putin
作者 / Mark Galeotti
簡介 / We Need to Talk About Putin:英國俄羅斯問題專家馬克‧加里奧蒂精闢剖析西方世界如何誤解普丁強權與勢力透過俄羅斯問題專家馬克‧加里奧蒂認識全球最危險的男子,佛拉迪
ISBN13 / 9781529103595
ISBN10 / 1529103592
EAN / 9781529103595
誠品26碼 / 2681715986001
頁數 / 160
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.6X1.2CM
級別 / N:無
