內容簡介 最有梗的英國平面設計師Stephen Wildish以插圖教你如何說的一口好髒話如何把英文髒話發揮得淋漓盡致,對許多人來說可是一門學問。英語中,髒話文化擁有豐富及複雜的歷史背景,同樣一個單字可能就同時擁有好幾種不同意義,有時可能代表驚訝、興奮、憤怒、歡慶、噁心,或是只是單純想叫你閃開。,如果不將髒話的精髓學好,鬧出的笑話可不只是丟臉而已。英國知名平面設計師Stephen Wildish擅長運用日常生活和流行文化素材做創作,透過他幽默又諷刺的設計插畫,一同發現髒話的箇中奧妙。內容包括利用積木圖代表不同層級的罵人方式;各種動物排泄物所代表的咒罵意義等,這本詼諧又有點魯莽的插畫書,絕對能帶你更多無厘頭的生活樂趣。Grasping how to swear is a crucial skill to any English-speaker, but it can be a tricky business. Owing to the rich and complex history of swearing, a single word can have a host of different meanings – from expressing surprise, excitement, anger, celebration, disgust or simply that you’re fucked off. If you don’t get it right, you could really be in the shit.How to Swear, by graphic artist and swearing-connoisseur Stephen Wildish, uses all manner of charts and flow diagrams to teach you all you need to know, including: the building blocks of an effective insult; the adverbial uses of various types of animal excrement (horseshit, apeshit etc); and the different parts of speech a swear word can fulfil: ‘Fucking fuck, the fucking fucker’s fucked’. This beautiful (and rude) book will take you right to the heart of the wondrous world of swearing, with a lot of laughs on the way.