內容簡介 《經濟殺手的告白》增訂版長達十年時間(1971-81),柏金斯任職於一家國際顧問公司,頂著首席經濟學家的頭銜,實則從事經濟殺手(economichitman,EHM)的工作。2001年的九一一事件讓他痛下決心,向世人披露生涯當中不為人知的一面。書稿完成後,由於內容敏感,遭到二十九家背後有財團支持的出版公司拒絕,直到2004年舊金山一家獨立出版社慨然接手,才讓柏金斯的故事公諸於世。這本書對於美國為了維繫一國利益的權力運作,以及一般人習以為常的經濟體制,投下一枚震撼彈。書中所引爆的「經濟殺手」話題,持續在全美和世界各地發酵。False economics. Threats, bribes, extortion. Debt, deception, coups, assassinations and unbridled military power. These are the tools used by the ‘corporatocracy’ – a vast network of corporations, banks, colluding governments and rich and powerful individuals – to ensure that they retain and expand their wealth and influence, growing richer and richer as the poor become poorer.In his original, post 9 11 book, John Perkins revealed how he was recruited as an economic hit man in the 1970s, and exposed the corrupt methods American corporations use to spread their influence in the developing world, cheating countries out of trillions of dollars. In this new, extensively updated edition he lays bare the latest, terrifying evolution of the economic hit man, and how the system has become even more entrenched and powerful than ever before.In New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins provides fresh and chilling evidence of how the corporatocracy has grown its influence to every corner of the globe, making us all unwitting slaves to their regime. But he also provides advice on how we can end our unconscious support of the system and its self-serving, lethal economy.