Extrabold. Serial Cut | 誠品線上

Extrabold. Serial Cut

作者 Sylvie Estrada/ 編
出版社 桑格文化有限公司
商品描述 Extrabold. Serial Cut:ExtraBold.isthecompendiumofalltheimageryofserialCut,aSpanishdesignstudioestablishedinMadridin1999bySergiodelPuertothatfocusesonartdirecti


內容簡介 ExtraBold.is the compendium of all the imageryof serial Cut, a Spanish designstudio established in Madrid in 1999by Sergio del Puerto that focuses onart direction for internationalassignments. Showcasingmore than 150 projects–from theearly years till present time–somepages of this book also containAUGMENTED REALITY, easily displayedthrough the EXTRABOLD APP for iPhoneand iPad, connecting to thefollowing virtual and media content: “SerialCut has a genuine stamp, embracingpop culture, luxury and surrealismat the same time. a fantasticalchemy of elements that cleverlybring tridimensional representationinto an unmistakable graphic andiconic style.”




書名 / Extrabold. Serial Cut
作者 / Sylvie Estrada 編
簡介 / Extrabold. Serial Cut:ExtraBold.isthecompendiumofalltheimageryofserialCut,aSpanishdesignstudioestablishedinMadridin1999bySergiodelPuertothatfocusesonartdirecti
出版社 / 桑格文化有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789814286831
ISBN10 / 9814286834
EAN / 9789814286831
誠品26碼 / 2680717539000
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24X17CM
級別 / N:無
