Game Query: The Mind-Stretching Economist Quiz | 誠品線上

Game Query: The Mind-Stretching Economist Quiz

作者 Philip Coggan/ Ed.
商品描述 Game Query: The Mind-Stretching Economist Quiz:準備好答題了嗎?哪一個英國君主在位時間最久?哪一年英國將選舉年齡限制下放至十八歲?哪一位英國首相和美國總統甘迺迪


內容簡介 準備好答題了嗎?哪一個英國君主在位時間最久?哪一年英國將選舉年齡限制下放至十八歲?哪一位英國首相和美國總統甘迺迪是姻親?十五世紀的教皇住在哪裡?Diggy-Loo Diggy-Ley(一九八四年Eurovision Song Contest獲獎歌曲)是誰唱的?自第一本益智測驗出版已過了一百七十五年,不管是增加知識、打發時間、特殊場合玩遊戲好夥伴,益智測驗一直以來都受到大眾的喜愛,喜歡益智測驗的讀者千萬不要錯過這本由經濟學人專家編寫的問答集,書中依不同主題分為十二章,每一章的標題都特別設計,帶點嘲諷的黑色幽默,從愚昧的王國─大英帝國、注意心理狀況─美國、龍的巢穴─中國到企業的最愛─商業、來自圖靈的測試─科學和科技等,每一張都有五十個問題等著你去解答闖關!作者菲利浦‧高根是英國專欄作家,也出版了數本和經濟相關的書籍,目前為經濟學人雜誌的專欄作家。TEST YOURSELF AGAINST THE ECONOMIST'S CHAMPION QUIZ TEAM - THE ONLY QUIZ BOOK YOU NEED THIS CHRISTMASGeneral knowledge quizzes are ten a penny. Trust The Economist, which knows both the price and the value of everything, to do something different.In its first ever quiz book in a 175-year history, the sharp wits of The Economist's own champion quiz team ('Marginal Futility') throw down the gauntlet for a genuinely severe contest. Ranging over the globe and the sweep of world history, peering into the most significant developments in science, politics and culture, this is the rare quiz whose answers shed real light on the ways of the world. What was Europe's first attempt at an international currency union, before the Euro was a twinkle in Jacques Delors's eye? Where did 15th-Century popes live? Who sang Diggi-Loo Diggi-Ley?


書名 / Game Query: The Mind-Stretching Economist Quiz
作者 / Philip Coggan Ed.
簡介 / Game Query: The Mind-Stretching Economist Quiz:準備好答題了嗎?哪一個英國君主在位時間最久?哪一年英國將選舉年齡限制下放至十八歲?哪一位英國首相和美國總統甘迺迪
ISBN13 / 9781788160100
ISBN10 / 178816010X
EAN / 9781788160100
誠品26碼 / 2681535765008
頁數 / 224
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X1.8CM
級別 / N:無