內容簡介 如何賴在沙發上追龍捲風如何用空拍機遛狗如何利用姓名學在選舉中「凍蒜」……看似荒謬的點子中,其實充滿了縝密的科學理論與嚴謹的實驗精神。門羅請來網球明星小威廉絲,實驗網球可否擊落無人機?也採訪太空人如何在市區緊急降落太空梭。讓讀者在捧腹大笑之餘,無痛提升科學素養及問題解決能力。本書使用方法 ■ 親子好友共讀,一起動動腦、嗆門羅 ■ 拿著這本書,和爸媽老師一起激盪出更奇葩的點子 ■ 實際操作看看這些餿主意(但後果自負) ■ 客訴門羅,讓他知道這些主意有多餿本中文書介出自《這麼做, 就對了! 最ㄎㄧㄤ的生活科學指南》遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司出版"
作者介紹 Randall Munroe Randall Munroe is the creator of the webcomic xkcd and bestselling author of What If?, Thing Explainer and xkcd: Volume 0. Randall was born in Easton, Pennsylvania, and grew up outside Richmond, Virginia. After studying physics at Christopher Newport University, he got a job building robots at NASA Langley Research Center. In 2006 he left NASA to draw comics on the internet full time, and has since been nominated for a Hugo Award three times. The International Astronomical Union recently named an asteroid after him: asteroid 4942 Munroe is big enough to cause mass extinction if it ever hits a planet like Earth.