Small Data: The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends | 誠品線上

小數據獵人: 發現大數據看不見的小細節, 從消費欲望到行為分析, 創造品牌商機

作者 馬汀.林斯壯
商品描述 Small Data: The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends:本書綜合紙上談兵與鑑識心理學,讓它讀來像是跨國蒐集線索、由一篇篇故事組成、綜橫交錯的偵探小說。在Lindstrom特


內容簡介 ◎《買我!:從大腦科學看花錢購物的真相與假象》(Buyology) 暢銷作家Martin Lindstrom最新力作!◎亞馬遜網路書店讀者4.5顆星推薦「雖然本書中探討的數據微小,它們對於人類行為的觀察卻很重要,讓這些數據,對於任何想更加了解,觸發購買時所做決定的因素的人,顯得十分寶貴。」——《影響力: 讓人乖乖聽話的說服術》(Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion) 作者Robert Cialdini在這個時代,許多人都相信,大數據已經使人類感知與觀察成為過往雲煙、早已不合時宜。然而,在本書中,相較於大數據的方式,擔任世界上多間知名品牌顧問的Martin Lindstrom,像現代的福爾摩斯般,蒐集看似瑣碎的小線索,做細微觀察,分析「小數據」。作者在一年裡,有三百天都待在陌生人家中,仔細觀察各種細節,試圖揭露人們隱藏的欲望,最終找出能讓商品或品牌銷售達上億元的關鍵線索。本書充滿各式各樣有趣的例子,包括:-德國11歲男孩家中一雙穿舊的球鞋,如何讓樂高公司從破產邊緣,迎接驚人的捲土重來-在西伯利亞一戶人家的冰箱上發現的磁鐵,如何造成美國超市的革命-作者在羅馬觀察人們進入教堂的方式,幫助迪士尼主題樂園恢復生氣-奧地利ㄧ個女孩房間的玩具熊布偶,引發ㄧ間時尚業零售商在20多個國家1000家分店的革命本書綜合紙上談兵與鑑識心理學,讓它讀來像是跨國蒐集線索、由一篇篇故事組成、綜橫交錯的偵探小說。在Lindstrom特有的「線索架構」(CLUES Framework) 中,大數據只不過是整個謎團的一部分,他藉由蒐集小數據,和消費者無比接近、實際面對面,觀察人類行為,並得出違反直覺、與預料方式相悖,卻足以改革整個產業的見解。他認為,挖掘科技數據,並將其和心理層面的見解綜合探討,對於人類了解自我、找到自己真正想要的東西,有極大的助益。《Small Data》呈現的是難得一見的幕後花絮,帶讀者一窺,全球知名品牌之所以能成功,究竟需要什麼?更重要的是,讓人與人之間產生連結的真相,是多麼的令人驚訝。不管您是行銷人員,或單純對於人類行為的不同有強大的好奇心,都可以看到,作者如何將足跡遍布全球的經驗,整理成讓讀者愛不釋手的精彩故事,利用小數據的力量,帶來極大轉變。In an era where many believe Big Data has rendered human perception and observation 'old-school' or passe, Martin Lindstrom shows that mining and matching technological data with up-close psychological insight creates the ultimate snapshot of who we really are and what we really want. He works like a modern-day Sherlock Holmes, accumulating small clues - the progressively weaker handshakes of Millenials, a notable global decrease in the use of facial powder, a change in how younger consumers approach eating ice cream cones - to help solve a stunningly diverse array of challenges. In Switzerland, a stuffed teddy bear in a teenage girl's bedroom helped revolutionise 1,000 stores - spread across twenty countries - for one of Europe's largest fashion retailers. In Dubai, a distinctive bracelet strung with pearls helped Jenny Craig offset its declining membership in the United States and increase loyalty by 159% in only one year. In China, the look of a car dashboard led to the design of the iRobot, or Roomba, floor cleaner - a great success story. SMALL DATA combines armchair travel with forensic psychology into an interlocking series of international clue-gathering detective stories. It shows Lindstrom using his proprietary CLUES Framework - where big data is merely on part of the overall puzzle - to get radically close to the consumer and come up with the counter-intuitive insights that have in some cases helped transform entire industries. SMALL DARA presents a rare behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to create global brands, and reveals surprising and counter-intuitive truths about what connects us all as humans.


書名 / Small Data: The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends
作者 / 馬汀.林斯壯
簡介 / Small Data: The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends:本書綜合紙上談兵與鑑識心理學,讓它讀來像是跨國蒐集線索、由一篇篇故事組成、綜橫交錯的偵探小說。在Lindstrom特
ISBN13 / 9781473634060
ISBN10 / 1473634067
EAN / 9781473634060
誠品26碼 / 2681278033006
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X15CM
級別 / N:無
